
> > CS2D > Lua Scripts > Gajos | Show Money v1.3
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English Gajos | Show Money v1.3 >

32 comments3 kb, 804 Downloads

old Gajos | Show Money v1.3

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• Author: user Gaios
• Version: 1.3
• Release: 06.05.2017


√ Shows a current amount of players' money
√ Shows a rifle carried by player
√ Marks player with a bomb
√ Does NOT lag server
√ Useful for tournaments
√ All notifications disappear after a freezetime


> Extract all files to a root folder of CS2D
    • ../sys/lua/autorun/show_money.lua


1.3 >

1.2 >

1.1 >


> GNU General Public License
edited 16×, last 03.06.18 02:01:26 pm
Approved by Yates

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3 kb, 804 Downloads


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User Off Offline

Idk why, but i think it would be better if you change "$1000" to "$ 1000" .ee
Just sayin'
This your work would be good for SD game mode(mixs) etc. Nice. More simply and useful thengz)))0)
I like it!


Super User Off Offline

user Rainoth has written
I don't know how you arrived to the conclusion
Because your comment was only about the name of the file, not with file.
user Rainoth has written
It's a fine script.

user Rainoth has written
It's helpful but not anything I'd consider giving a like.
You giving a like to an okay file and then you won't give a like to file which is fine as it is helpful? Wait, dafuck, I confused dude

I don't know what is your problem guys that who didn't like it. I think it is best on the section of itself. Even if it isn't, I'm seeing this script first time. Also, I know, even if the choosen name of the file little bit wrong, it cannot reserve my way which is to press to the like button.
I like it!
edited 1×, last 21.10.16 10:42:55 pm


Moderator Off Offline

Removing the file and uploading it again was a waste of time to be honest. Good thing you didn't obfuscate the code like you did previously nevertheless.
I like it!


Moderator Off Offline

@user Gaios: Basically user Yates nailed it. There's shadows, huds, weapons, mark on bomb. This is more like a "Graphics Enhancement lua" or something.
@user Masea: I don't know how you arrived to the conclusion that me noting something relates to not giving a like but whatever. It's a fine script. Just that. It's fine. Just because there's cool things out there doesn't mean I have to necessarily like them.
It's helpful but not anything I'd consider giving a like.


Reviewer Off Offline

@user Gaios: If you extend the original script to do a lot more than just changes to the original idea then you would be better to rename it. If Weiwen were to edit his Tibia script for it to only contain monsters then it wouldn't still be Tibia, it would be something else. It may contain original script components but the basic functionality and idea of the script has changed. Your script now displays multiple player information on round start, name it after the description.


Reviewer Off Offline

user Rainoth has written
(...) this is no longer just "Show money" script.

I just lol'd. What.. if you will update any project by new feature, will you change the name? The main objective of the script is showing money. Displaying riles is only a addition/plugin.


Super User Off Offline

@user Rainoth: Not giving a like causes only about the name of the file? Nevertheless, it is not fair enough.

Like how it can be best. Good job.
I like it!


User Off Offline

Would be better if the money and weapons only appears if you put your cursor in your teammate, anyway i like it
I like it!


Moderator Off Offline

Fair enough. With that said, this is no longer just "Show money" script.


Super User Off Offline

Why uploaded it again? Even you deleted old, you should just update that. It's seems you just want to get more hits.

Whats the point man?

old Lol? Or no?

User Off Offline

You again upload it? Or it's new version?

Ahh, yes.. This is a good file. I like it!
I like it!


User Off Offline

Good. A question, which number of money is necessary that the numbers are green ?
I like it!
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