New Molotov cocktai & Chainsawuseigor User Offline 31.03.11 12:01:10 pm New Molotov cocktail and Chainsaw DON'T edit/copy/steal this file DON'T claim it as yours. edited 7×, last 26.07.13 12:45:27 am Approved by Seekay (04.12.15 02:14 am) Download 2 kb, 737 Downloads
Smilesoldier User Offline 01.04.11 03:20:38 am Yeah i agree with Cyrille Yukimaru. Maybe if you put some lines along the edge of the chainsaw, it will look more chainsaw-ish. The molotov cocktail is just awesome, though.
Molotov.CY Reviewer Offline 31.03.11 05:50:36 pm I only rate 3 stars because your chainsaw is more like a automatic brush tool thingy.
Night Till Death User Offline 31.03.11 02:06:03 pm love the cocktail but sadly the chainsaw needs more work so 3/5
Occasus User Offline 31.03.11 12:21:36 pm Yeah, the chainsaw looks easy.. But the Molotov is good.. 3 anyways