[CSS] Broken cars and truckuseigor User Offline 30.12.11 08:24:23 pm Broken cars and truck from CSS v.1. 3 broken cars Description: Every car and truck have 5 colours(white, blue, green, yellow, red). DON'T edit/copy/steal this file DON'T claim it as yours USE for your own maps/scripts. edited 8×, last 07.08.13 05:58:51 am Approved by Infinite Rain (03.12.15 11:31 pm) Download 912 kb, 991 Downloads
@Syndicate Zerouseigor User Offline 30.12.11 10:40:41 pm Syndicate Zero has writtenWell then, can you make some tiles? What type?
MysteriousOFFICIAL User Offline 30.12.11 09:50:42 pm I like it! o.O How u make this? (program) I like it!
Jela331 User Offline 30.12.11 08:51:58 pm Nice. I'll use it in my zombie maps, I'll add you in credits. I like it!
Krimhorn User Offline 30.12.11 08:51:27 pm This first looks pretty well (i mean not scrap car), except door. I like it!
Jynxxx User Offline 30.12.11 08:45:24 pm wow i can use these cars for one of my maps thanks for the upload I like it!
Bobakrome User Offline 30.12.11 08:34:22 pm Looks nice! Spoiler Check my signature , useigor I like it!