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Englisch CS2D Max Suggestions V2

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alt Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2


TwP hat geschrieben
MiroslavR hat geschrieben
What about adding a wall/obstacle function for the Env_Sprite? It would make mapping a lot easier. + you can make a sprite that follows a path, route, which stops at end if the path is not looped.

Thanks in advance. √

you can do that anyway now? env_sprite, load a sprite, put in anywhere in the map, and make an invisible wall / obstacle where the sprite are placed..


what about a Rotate wall / object button in the editor?
But I wanna add env_explode inside my map oldruins under a sprite... but there was no room for it, and the walls had to be placed in it and explosions 1 tile away... which looks quite diabolical. Therefor I think sprites with wall/obstacle function is a great idea.

@TwP's post down here:
I don't make noob maps.
2× editiert, zuletzt 08.05.09 17:53:30

alt Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

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DC hat geschrieben
the rotation thing has been suggested very often as well

then put it in :P?


Load a sprite, (Env_sprite) as u said..

and then make a func_dynwall over the sprite, and make an invisible wall / obstacle, and u can do what u said anyway


@ Kimkat - then do it with a trigger?

place env_explode anywhere in the map, and then place a trigger_start anywhere in the map..

Call the Trigger and the explode the same name, and then call the func_dynwall under the sprite the same name aswell.. and vupti, u also have an explosion
1× editiert, zuletzt 08.05.09 17:31:00

alt Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

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Well That leads us back to the allow enities to be stacked. When u right click them u can pick witch one u want. spartan-029 thinks its a great idea.

alt Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

Admin On Online

and again I hear all the same crap again and again. guys its so annyoing. you probably can't imagine it.

you really don't need entity stacking for that. I already explained like thousand times that it will not be added so stop suggesting it please.
why? the sprite can be at any position and don't has to be at the same position as the corresponding entity is because you can define the position/offset for the sprite.

however I think he is talking about a more accurate collision...

alt Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

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DC hat geschrieben
why? the sprite can be at any position and don't has to be at the same position as the corresponding entity is because you can define the position/offset for the sprite.

**however I think he is talking about a more accurate collision...**


alt Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

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KimKat hat geschrieben
TwP hat geschrieben
MiroslavR hat geschrieben
What about adding a wall/obstacle function for the Env_Sprite? It would make mapping a lot easier. + you can make a sprite that follows a path, route, which stops at end if the path is not looped.

Thanks in advance. √

you can do that anyway now? env_sprite, load a sprite, put in anywhere in the map, and make an invisible wall / obstacle where the sprite are placed..


what about a Rotate wall / object button in the editor?
But I wanna add env_explode inside my map oldruins under a sprite... but there was no room for it, and the walls had to be placed in it and explosions 1 tile away... which looks quite diabolical. Therefor I think sprites with wall/obstacle function is a great idea.

lol, and now i think about it, how can u run UNDER a wall?, u cant run under a wall, and i am not sure if adding a wall / obstacle option will solve ur problem, for how can a wall explode?

alt Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2


@TwP: It can and can't explode, it's exactly like saying: it can, it can't be done. Especially on my map but graphicly it doesn't looks good at the CT spawn, the explosion is 1 tile away, and if you download the map you'll see how it looks like for sure.

Besides that we live in the future, or something like it. Why can't we have sprites that have a wall/obstacle function, it should operate fine... in a way. The sprite is pretty accurate in its X and Y though. That should form the actual base, and the base shall be the wall/obstacle surface that makes the collision with the player.

alt Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

Admin On Online

the collision system doesn't allow that. it is limited to tile-based collisions. however I already considered to extend the system later. At least I'll have to do that if I add something like physical objects or vehicles.

we will see.

alt Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

User Off Offline

I really hope this was not suggested before.
You need to fix when you write this to console:
lua parse("luareset")

The game crashes.

alt Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

User Off Offline

2 other fixes:

1) When you leave a game, the game shows as REALLY low ping (no tabs), and u have to scroll 1 hour to finde it..

2) really annoying that ppl leave because if u have sprites and sounds in u game, it take like a hour to download the map, and sometimes (OFTEN), when u have to download over 6-7 files, the download crashes and u have to re-enter the map to download the rest..


and PLEASE, when you save your map, or load, make an ARE YOU SURE? YES / NO..

Yesterday i lost a whole finished map because i pressed save instead of load..
1× editiert, zuletzt 08.05.09 21:31:30

alt Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2


I noticed some bugs, the BombSpot entity when it blows up it should trigger things in my opinion. I've set it to trigger a disco light, but it just doesn't trigger it. =(

Possible to fix this in a update?

alt Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

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DC hat geschrieben
At least I'll have to do that if I add something like physical objects or vehicles.

My heart just skipped a beat.

Another useless eye-candy suggestion: Add an after-image effect to the flashbang grenades. What it means is that when your vision starts coming back to you, the last thing/scene you saw before getting blinded should be on screen momentarily.

alt Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

Admin On Online

MiroslavR hat geschrieben
I really hope this was not suggested before.
You need to fix when you write this to console:
lua parse("luareset")

The game crashes.

it's rather insane to let Lua reset itself.. that simply can't work.
instead of "lua parse("luareset")" you should simply write "luareset"

alt Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

User Off Offline

Another probably useless idea:

How about some sort of VoiP thing for CS2D?

Instead of using some other voice program and thus lagging very badly, hav it built-in to CS2D so that you can talk much quicker to your team and stuff.

It would be a great tactical advantage.

alt Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

User Off Offline

Just use the search function instead of asking all this shit. This has been requested a thousand of times, but will NOT be implemented (which imho is very good)

alt Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

Admin On Online

Mafia200100 hat geschrieben
Another probably useless idea

a useless idea that has been suggested so often already that you deserve a ban for repeating it...

alt Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

User Off Offline

An idea that is actually quite useful...

A Frequently Suggested Suggestions sticky. Every suggestion that DC is tired of hearing over and over again should be here. Would definitely help to cut back on those people who say "oh, but the suggestions thread is soo long! How am I supposed to go through the whole thing?!" People who suggest something that's on the list should be banned, or at least given a harsh warning.

Once again, I give you the FSS from the BF2 Project Reality mod team as an example. It is clean, to the point, and color-coded to show which ones are impossible to code, and which ones have been implemented already.

If DC doesn't want to go through the whole suggestions thread, I can do it for him. I have the whole weekend free.

I feel so lonely...

alt Bomb not skinnable.


Why is the bomb not skinnable, could you make it skinnable in the next update? because had a nice bomb skin, and I got sad when it didn't show up even if it was "planted" I want it same skin not change dramaticly to default.

alt Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2


Heavy hat geschrieben
@KimKat: Did you restart CS2D? Because CS2D must first load your skin...
It doesn't work even if restarted, it's just the bomb that's either a premade object just like the env_objects. I had the skin for a while now, and it doesn't show. But it does show in hand and when dropped. Although when its planted it changes to a default bomb.
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