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Englisch aiming, weapon switching etc.

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alt Re: aiming, weapon switching etc.

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Please be more specific. Also, the title is not good!

> About Nightvision
Nightvision is used mostly in dark maps, but players who have lots of money and want to spend it just buy nightvision to give theirselfs "style", but they don't use it.

alt Re: aiming, weapon switching etc.

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Nightvision only makes those specific sprites (that have the "Hide if nightvision is on" checked) invisible while it's used. Since nobody uses those anymore it's rather useless now, but i have to admit that it looks kinda cool so i just wear them for no real reason .

Aslo, how could we help you with aiming?
There is no "trick" to switch weapons fast we all just use the shortucut keys [1] [2] [3] ... It's more about skill and practice.

alt Re: aiming, weapon switching etc.

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2 Helpful Tricks
[NOTE: none are hacks]

#1- Staggerfire
History: First developed in AVP2(PC game)

How to do: Instead of holding the fire button, press it once then again and again, etc.

What It Does: Gets the bullets to shoot as straight as possible(keeping the heat[a.k.a dmg] on the enemy)

#2- Instant Switch
History: unknown. But i figured it out recently.

How To Do: Generally, when your all set-up to play, you got your right hand(or left) on the mouse and the other hand on the keys(usually: w,a,s,d) but you got your pinky free, if you play right handed, the pinky should usually rest on either the left Shift(most common) or the left ctrl(less common). So Bind your switch to last weapon(default is Q) to either left shift or left ctrl. Now you'll be able to switch aprox. .5seconds faster than normal.(NOTE: for the first times you do it, your pinky may be sore because its not used to it).

What it does: Since it lets you switch faster, it gives you the upper hand, usually for me, it wins me the battle.

[for more amazing tricks and tips, pm me on forums]

alt Re: aiming, weapon switching etc.

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I discovered the Staggerfire trick by myself since long ago (in cs2d), until that moment I thought it has no effect in a 2d game like it... but then while i was fooling around I got quite surprised to find out that it actually improves accuracy (with m4a1 at least) and it somehow allowes me to kill enemies faster than just holding LMB.

TIP: If you're going to use it then i advice you to buy a mouse that has 2X click buton! It reduces your effort by half.

Even though I am not 100% master of the game (I'm currently somewhere around 65% atm..) I've been able to pwn guys from {fruitpapje} with this tehnique..
1× editiert, zuletzt 16.07.10 20:18:05

alt Re: aiming, weapon switching etc.

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I don't know but I quite got a master of this tehnique and it works very well... I can kill enemies for like.. 20-25% faster than before. I don't know how but it actually works if you use it correspondingly.

alt Re: aiming, weapon switching etc.

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Its true that other people have discovered that trick but it was first discovered in AVP2.

And yeah it works amazingly. You should also try the second trick, it comes in handy

alt Re: aiming, weapon switching etc.

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I have to tell you that this "staggerfire" trick does not change anything in CS2D. for many other games it does, but not for CS2D. that's a fact and 100% sure.

it's just coincidence/your imagination when it looks like it has a positive effect.

alt Re: aiming, weapon switching etc.

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Actually DC your right but also wrong because staggerfiring lets you save bullets; and lets you act a bit more.

ex: holding fire to kill someone, avrg bullets used: 10

ex: staggering to kill someone, avrg bullets used: 6

[these tests were proven by JU]

but DC i dont mean to fight against your say. i am just putting mine out there

alt Re: aiming, weapon switching etc.

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I think it's just me then... it's not like the accuracy is increased but the aim.. yeah it's somehow easier for me to aim while staggerfiring than holding lmb for some reason.
Anyway the fact that i kill faster it's true (tested with a friend) although it may not make sence. I don't think it has anything to do with technical issues but rather with.. umm how to say it..? physical ability and maybe even with psychological matters. However the fact that I am able to kill faster (somehow deal the same damage in a shorter period of time) has been proven and I'm 101% sure of it. It may only apply to me.. I'm not sure but since it greatly improves my combat ability I shal not give up on it for the simple fact that it makes no technical sence.

alt Re: aiming, weapon switching etc.

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yeah that's fine and I don't tell you to stop it

I just wanted to make clear that the game doesn't differentiate between holding the mousebutton down all the time or just hitting it for short moments or with pauses between the shots.
In many games you get a higher accuracy by shooting in short bursts etc. but this is not the case in CS2D. that's all I wanted to express so people don't get a wrong idea

alt Re: aiming, weapon switching etc.

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Even though accuracy isn't enhanced, one's aim might be a little better when continuously clicking on an enemy instead of only following them - maybe caused by simple clicking games played as a little kid.

It might therefore certainly be true that some people are able to kill faster by separate clicking than by holding their mouse button.

alt Re: aiming, weapon switching etc.

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JU hat geschrieben
Actually DC your right but also wrong because staggerfiring lets you save bullets; and lets you act a bit more.

ex: holding fire to kill someone, avrg bullets used: 10

ex: staggering to kill someone, avrg bullets used: 6

[these tests were proven by JU]

but DC i dont mean to fight against your say. i am just putting mine out there

Bullets dont matter
its the place you hit
Staggerfire as DC said is completely useless and even moreso gives enemy time to take cover when you are shooting with pauses
the only tactic to maintain a high accuracy is to get good ping and always fire little bit away from the enemy

alt Re: aiming, weapon switching etc.

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Its not useless coz if you hold your mouse you tend to follow your enemy. Using staggerfire makes you click on the enemy like a button hence increasing your accuracy. But I can't click fast enough so I just hold the mouse button and aim as good as I can ;).

alt Re: aiming, weapon switching etc.

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chukz15 hat geschrieben
I need help with aiming, using grenades, switching weapons fast, and why do people use night vision? Thanks.

More specific, I'm always getting flashed.

I can't throw grenades right.

I always lose in combat.

I keep getting killed offscreen.

It's hard too aim.

I have 40 ping.

How do people know where I'm at instantly, but even if I hear someone I cannot pinpoint them nbecuase they could be anywhere. (I walk a lot I don't make alot of noise.)

1.My main problem is combat 1v1. I get HEnaded flashed, so I usually end up with low health like 36 hp and 12 armour recovering from a flash trying to fight.

2.Another scenario is just I can't seem to aim, or I'm missing, well its both. I'm trying to dodge bullets, and I usually die. This is a typical scenario

3.Or I'm running with my knife I switch to my Ak/m4 enemy kills me like nothing, and moves on.

4.Somehow getting killed offscreen.

5.If I do manage to win, I'm so damaged there is no way for me to win another fight. ex:6hp 0armour.

So please of anyone could help it would be appriciated.

alt Re: aiming, weapon switching etc.

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In the first month I was just like you. Now I'm able to stand against multiple skilled enemies at once, i die hard, my "deagling" is almost flawles and I haven't recieved any training nor tips.. not at all. So consider it just a matter of time, if you have talent that is and time to spend online...

PS: the only tip I have ever recieved is a ping diff* one.

*If you oponent has a higher ping that yours you have to shoot a bit more in the direction he's moving.. ahead of him.
Imagine that his body is actually forward but his player sprite is being left behind, get it?
The distance between his player sprite and the area you have to shoot at depends on how big the gap between his ping and yours is.

alt Re: aiming, weapon switching etc.

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what if he is strafing then how am i supoosed to know ehen to shoot? Also where is my crosshair supposed to be? I usually am foucsing on my character rather than my enemy, like is it supposed to be spot on or around him?

alt Re: aiming, weapon switching etc.

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1.My main problem is combat 1v1. I get HEnaded flashed, so I usually end up with low health like 36 hp and 12 armour recovering from a flash trying to fight.

When that happens, all you can do i try your best getting the enemy. Dodging wont work as if you get only one bullet, you might die.
He : Try to predict where it's going, then run away and get the enemy.
Flashes: Remember where you where, then shoot exactly where you remember the enemy was, then try random shooting or imagining that he's moving- Anyways the point is to scare/hurt the enemy till your un-flashed - also try to "run away" remembering the map
BTW, does the radar appear when you are flashed ?( i dindn't play cs2d for 2 weeks now )

-->Sometimes, i find it odd how people choose using a USP only when that happens to me.(even if they had ak)
2.Another scenario is just I can't seem to aim, or I'm missing, well its both. I'm trying to dodge bullets, and I usually die. This is a typical scenario

Well, if you are a beginner, it's normal, i was also the same when i started, Just like Time4parteh (except i started 1.5 years ago ;P) Or, you might be aiming right but again, it depends on the ping. And YOUR ping or the server latency or the other players latency.
In all of those cases, the simplest way is try to shoot where the player is going to. If he is dodging ( so you cant predict) Try shouting on the radius of the space in which he's dodging.
3.Or I'm running with my knife I switch to my Ak/m4 enemy kills me like nothing, and moves on.

Erm, that might be again ping. They might actually see you ( while you don't see them - they're 2 cm out of the screen)
4.Somehow getting killed offscreen.

Maybe snipers?
Or if it's a normal player- maybe you where in a fight with him and you ran away? he predicted?
5.If I do manage to win, I'm so damaged there is no way for me to win another fight. ex:6hp 0armour.

Go to Q 1

Wish this helped ya ;P
Btw, i think there's thiss HUUGE tutorial on cs2d skills, that will help you allot. I'll search it then link it soon.

[EDIT] i found out why you guys think "staggerfire" makes you play better ( it does)

It's like Dodging- you probably dodge unconsciously when you "staggerfire" - or you sdon't know whats dodging :S
When you "staggerfire" i think- probably you switch to knife- makes you go faster - enemy looses calculations as your speeds and weapon way is confusion- enemy is confused- enemy panics - you kill him ;P

About changing weapons reall fast- that's bindings. And I'm soon releasing a big tutorial on that ;P i got lazy on it so ill do it now ;P- but i'm not on my PC now either in my country either have the file which took me 5 h to make (unfinisshed) now soo... might take long sorry
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