Hello, i know that a similar thread about he has been posted, though this bug takes place in the new version of CS2D . . . and i've got screens to prove it . Just if you know the reason, or even how to delete this bug.
Well, it happened to me several times, and it was on non lua european servers ( sH, e-sportz ).
In fact the 0 flashbang bug happens when i throw a flashbang at the exact end of round ( it sould be my last flash) and that she doesn't explode. ( i know that for trying to find the problem since about 1.7 )
Then came out the smoke, i don't know how .
For the 3 flashbangs i just rebought with my buyscript after a round, can't rememberwhat i exactly did.
This happens at the end of a round. I just had this bug sometimes. Fragezeichen is right btw, sometimes the information of nades are pretty bugged, regarding server/client.