Hey guys me and some other people want to start a happytown and we need some mappers/scripters. Since it's not going that successful for me, I need some help
What it should include:
1. Lots of houses
2. Unbuild houses (So that other players could build their own)
3. A park. (A free roam area where players can deathmatch)
4. A admin room
Includes: Prisons/jails, armory, weather control, restart panel, teleport room (Can teleport to various locations)
5. Roads of course
6. Spawns for players (Contains wrenches and kevlar)
7. Shooting range.
8. Police department (Non admin)
9. A teleport area where players can teleport to various spots of the map.
10. Gunshop - You can buy weapons
11. Easter eggs :3
12. Disco
13. Etc.
14. Etc.
15. Etc.
16. Etc
Other things would be nice (suggestions)
We also need a - Mapper, scripter.
Mappers and scripters would automatically become an admin on the server.
1. We need a pistol jail script (set position, and then shoot the pistol and the guy teleports to there)
2. !jail command so that a person if they /kill they respawn in their jail cell. Also a !free command.
3. !goto (To go to a person) !bring (To bring a person)
4. Police force - The admins can add people to the police force, and police can automatically spawn in the departement if they want. (They have a armory, heavy armor, fnf9000, m134, night vision, etc. *Should be reasonable and no stronger weapons than admins get
5. VIP users (Have the ability to spawn in the VIP house - Access to medic armor, m4a1, rpg, etc)
6. Car system (The cars can drive, but if it crashes it damages a person by 50 hp.)
7. !equip id (Equips an item)
8. !give [USERID] [ID] (Equips them with an item)
9. A money system where you can get money from a dispencer and buy weapons/items from a shop (please don't add rpgs, flame, heavy armor) - Car costs 10k, explodes if crashed and 50 damage is given.
10. A admin wallhack lua.
11. etc.
12. Etc
13. etc
If no one gives a map/lua our own will be applied (crappy)
Please add suggestions if you want, and if you want to be a scripter/mapper say so below and get started on a map :P.