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English Another lags

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old Another lags

Deleted User

Hello again. I'm using Wi-fi ,also sharing it with my sister.
(When she's browsing ,streaming videos on her tablet ) The problem is i'm getting higher ping.
Is it any way to fix this?(Add any settings on the router)

old Re: Another lags

Moderator Off Offline

The thing is simple: Tell your sister to NOT use the Internet for streaming, videos, etc. while you playing because it could increase your ping and getting huge lags. That's pretty obvious.

This can't be fixed by settings or such, just tell her to not use it.

old Re: Another lags

User Off Offline

Just use net cut, and cut heeer neet, and TADAAA U GOT LOW PING HUEHUE

old Re: Another lags

User Off Offline

"Somebody threw a brick into a pond. The problem is that the brick sank in the water.
Guys, I totally am not doing this for attention, how do I fix this problem?

You are either extremely ignorant or an attention-seeker.
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