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Englisch Sanctioned Renegades browser based FPS

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alt Sanctioned Renegades browser based FPS

User Off Offline

It is browser based,so now you can believe that not only shitty games like roonskape are browser based.
The game plays like basic fps minus crouching and jumping and some other stuff.
The game is multiplayer only with level up like system.
The better you are the better weapons you have.
Killing people gives merits which level up your character so you can use bigger and badder weaponry.
The graphics are way to gorgeous for a browser based game.
They are like farcry.
The game is not that good as there is only 1 map and is randomly generated.
Did I tell you that buildings are fully destructible and it is completely free?
And as the site reads,it is in constant development to yeah,this could be a great game

alt Re: Sanctioned Renegades browser based FPS

Admin On Online

cool hint: make a space behind all punctuation marks (including ":"). it will make your links actually clickable, making it much less work to open the linked website.

i fixed that for you

alt Re: Sanctioned Renegades browser based FPS

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Crazyx Advance hat geschrieben
Watching by the video it looks like a Stranded-CS mix or smth.

It is quite different than that.
The people look like Jamaicans in two different clothes.
If you ask me it is unbalanced for newbies.
Damn,I was half asleep the time I typed it.
I am surprised I managed to write the whole paragraph

alt Re: Sanctioned Renegades browser based FPS

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Shanghaimi -Chet- Chen hat geschrieben
Another Multiplayer RPG?

Screw it , The ones at the Top have a Advantage over those at the Bottom

It is an FPS.
Where did you read the RPG part?
I agree to your last point though.
It is pretty unbalanced
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