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old closed Multiacc

User Off Offline

Hello everyone, there is a question for the administration.

I recently found out that my main account was banned, and the reason was multiacc. Accounts existed for more than 6 years, and one was used all the time (second account) - Fluttershy 007. I used the first account, that is this one, as a trial one, since I had problems with registering my account on the territory of my country, webmail in my country. So it turned out that I had two accounts at my disposal, but I played all the time and used only Fluttershy 007, and I did not use the account of Andrey0054 at all. And now the question is, is it possible for the unban account Fluttershy 007? In return, you can ban this empty account.

Have a nice day.

old Re: Multiacc

User Off Offline

@user Gaios: Dont be a duck and be more helpful instead by reading what he really wants.

old Re: Multiacc

Reviewer Off Offline

@user Chingy: I know, he wants to ban his current account and unban old one. All in user DC's hands.

old Re: Multiacc

Admin Off Offline

@user FlutterShy007: You ignored the rules by making multiple accounts. The website and especially the account registration page is absolutely clear about it: Only one account per person.

I don't care about weird "trial account" nonsense. It's a rule violation nevertheless. And the rules are there for very good reasons (e.g. to avoid threads like this with weird account switching requests).

So no, sorry. We don't do people favors if they ignore our rules. You made a mistake and you now have to live with it. Be grateful that I don't just ban all your accounts because that's what I would normally have to do now.

old Re: Multiacc

Admin Off Offline

Thanks for accepting this. It would be unfair for others if I would do you that favor.

old Re: Multiacc

Reviewer Off Offline

@user DC: Who cares Just do that favor for him haha.. I don't mind. You will be merciful admin forever . Rules are rules but sh*t happens

I only give such suggestions

old Re: Multiacc

Super User Off Offline

Yeah, he can't do this. I could imagine every other multi account ban in the future would refer to this post saying: and i quote:
"You did it for him, do it for me too, you bias, unfair prick!"

old Re: Multiacc

Cure Pikachu
User Off Offline

user DC has written
Be grateful that I don't just ban all your accounts because that's what I would normally have to do now.

Just do it - show no mercy.

old Re: Multiacc

Moderator On Online

You're aware that you have multiple accounts yet you're asking for user FlutterShy 007 to be unbanned? You must be either blind or just a troll that pretends you don't know the rules. I find it really annoying to the point of being frustrating.

Remember, only one account per person, otherwise I won't hesitate to ban all of your accounts including the main one.

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