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Englisch URL

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alt URL

User Off Offline


idk if i should trust this URL, whenever i check my mail this comes up trying to connect, i havent been to it trust it or not?

alt Re: URL

User Off Offline

u are afraid of opening the URL? oO

Do it, there is no annoying javascript or such things.
There is only a error page

alt Re: URL

User Off Offline

i was afraid of opening for viruses

alt Re: URL

User Off Offline

actually, a website can not put viruses on your computer by opening it

you would have to run programs which you download from the website.

but you should not use ie as browser, because of its safety holes

alt Re: URL

Admin Off Offline

stealth hat geschrieben
actually, a website can not put viruses on your computer by opening it

thats wrong! its possible to get a virus by just opening a website! its even possible if you do not use the IE. no browser is 100% safe. be careful und use a good anti virus software. I wouldn't open a strange website without anti virus software.

alt Re: URL


DC hat geschrieben
stealth hat geschrieben
actually, a website can not put viruses on your computer by opening it

thats wrong! its possible to get a virus by just opening a website! its even possible if you do not use the IE. no browser is 100% safe. be careful und use a good anti virus software. I wouldn't open a strange website without anti virus software.
Me either, lol.
By the way, I use NOD32 and Kaspersky Lab Anti-Virus.

alt Re: URL

User Off Offline

DC hat geschrieben
stealth hat geschrieben
actually, a website can not put viruses on your computer by opening it

thats wrong! its possible to get a virus by just opening a website! its even possible if you do not use the IE. no browser is 100% safe. be careful und use a good anti virus software. I wouldn't open a strange website without anti virus software.

True, but compare
>Firefox and
>Internet Explorer
(For a complete result you should check the Page for WinXP vulnerabilities too)
6 to 10 unpatched holes. Also the most severe IE hole is rated "highly critical"

BTW: I've worked around 3 out of 6 holes in Firefox by disabling JavaScript and the password manager, yay
Okay, it doesn't hurt me because I don't need the pw manager anyways and I had disabled JS before, but most people would surely miss those features

But it would be naive to surf without protection, even if no holes would be known

alt Re: URL

Moderator Off Offline

just make sure you don't go to anywhere your not suppose to and u won't get in trouble

alt Re: URL

User Off Offline

leegao hat geschrieben
just make sure you don't go to anywhere your not suppose to and u won't get in trouble

Right, #1 of the surfing rules still works the best
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