
> > Off Topic > Should a Just Society use the Death Penalty
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Englisch Should a Just Society use the Death Penalty

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alt Should a Just Society use the Death Penalty

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just for fun, basically, what you do is to either affirm or negate the resolution, place your Contentions (arguments) here also and we can debate to see if the Death Penalty should be allowed in a Just society

RESOLUTION: A Just Society ought not use the Death Penalty

I Affirm the Resolution

Value for this round will be Justice

Criterion for this round will be Safety

Contention 1: The Death penalty is Ineffective
Subpoint A: The Death Penalty does not deter crime
Subpoint B: The Death Penalty is Ineffective to use in Society
Subpoint C: The Death Penalty rules out any chances of re-entrance into society
Subpoint The Death Penalty can lead to the punishment of the innocent

Contention 2: The Death Penalty causes a violent backlash
Subpoint : The Death Penalty will make martyrs out of captured terrorists
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