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Englisch From IE 7 To IE 6

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alt From IE 7 To IE 6

User Off Offline

Since yesterday i have IE 7 becouse my brother installed it without asking me,but since i dont like its new look and style and thingies,i know its securer than IE6 but i want the good old IE6 that i know...
And now isnce i installed it,i cant install IE6 again,becouse it sais "a newer version of IE has been found on your system , setup cannot countiniue"
So tell me which fouder shall i delete or something,becouse i am afraid of doing something on my pc aciidently while trying to get back IE6 installed instead of IE7.

alt Re: From IE 7 To IE 6

BANNED Off Offline

WTF?! if you REALLY STILL WANT TO USE IE, pleeeeeaaaase use ie7, in ie6 many homepages don't work because of the low standards etc.
If you want to have a good browser, FORGET IE and download FIREFOX

alt Re: From IE 7 To IE 6

User Off Offline

Neither IE6 nor IE7 are any good. Please do what banane said and use firefox or even opera, if lil' foxy is to slow for you

And if you really want to uninstall IE7, the best you can do is format c:

alt Re: From IE 7 To IE 6

User Off Offline

you are kidding , i am not formating my c , and i am getting firefox,but what will happen then? 2 browsers? slow pc? -.-

alt Re: From IE 7 To IE 6

User Off Offline

Slow PC? lol
We would be lucky, if we all would just be worried about the things you are

Has the computer ever been slower because two pieces of software were installed instead of one?
There surely is a slightly increased use of ram, but blame Microsoft because their system needs to have the Internet Explorer partially loaded all the time for several tasks...

alt Re: From IE 7 To IE 6

User Off Offline

alright i am getting firefox,but when someone sends me massage in chat and that massage contain link,when i click it will it still open with IE7 cause i will still have IE7...
1× editiert, zuletzt 23.12.07 12:37:57

alt Re: From IE 7 To IE 6


make sure you go to folder options first and disable hidden files

go to start > run

type in:

follow the instructions and you're good.

alt Re: From IE 7 To IE 6

User Off Offline

IE6 isnt that bad. i use some stuff only at IE6, as an example map24, or to open pdf, in this points IE6 works much more faster and stable then my ff versions.

alt Re: From IE 7 To IE 6

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Reaper hat geschrieben
IE6 isnt that bad. i use some stuff only at IE6, as an example map24, or to open pdf, in this points IE6 works much more faster and stable then my ff versions.

I dunno how they build map24 exactly, but pdfs aren't handled by both browsers anyway
IE sucks because it's a joke of a browser. It doesn't support most web standards very well, plus it's a big security hole in your system because of the tight integration ;P

alt Re: From IE 7 To IE 6

User Off Offline

@Silent_Control: I use FireFox for years now, and i had less critical errors with it than with IE. the IE is bad, because its from Microsoft... and microsoft only produces shit... the only cause i use Windows is that you can play most games only on windows... but if the producers of games do more linux games i will switch to linux from one second to another^^

so take Firefox!!

alt Re: From IE 7 To IE 6

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Silent_Control hat geschrieben
IE is the best borwser. Mozzila Firefox has got some critical errors

Sure, but they even found more critical errors in IE, and even Safari and Opera have some
plus, IE doesn't get much fixes, while Firefox got it's holes closed within days or weeks

alt Re: From IE 7 To IE 6

Moderator Off Offline

Silent_Control hat geschrieben
IE is the best borwser. Mozzila Firefox has got some critical errors

ur funny...

IE is by Microsoft, and Microsoft made Vista... That says it all -.-
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