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English CS2D Max Suggestions V2

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old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

Admin On Online

1. this would be totally unfair. suggested and declined thousand times already.

2. oh really?! thank you very much! I really didn't notice that!
(it is simply not possible to make hacking impossible. I already wasted many hours with security...)

3. letting it cover the whole "room" would make it rather imbalanced (and rendering all the smoke is slow as well). I think the area is big enough.

old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

User Off Offline

You could divide two versions offline and online
in online you cannot use hacks and stuff
and in offline you could do anything you want

old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

User Off Offline

If DC could make a version where you can't hack then he would have done it. But you can see it in every game. It's IMPOSSIBLE to create a hack-free game

old lol

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TheKilledDeath has written
If DC could make a version where you can't hack then he would have done it. But you can see it in every game. It's IMPOSSIBLE to create a hack-free game

no no no it's not imposible, x, y is changing every time in speed hack, so make a position-acelerator so if it get high then you get kicked

old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

User Off Offline

vrkiller has written
TheKilledDeath has written
If DC could make a version where you can't hack then he would have done it. But you can see it in every game. It's IMPOSSIBLE to create a hack-free game

no no no it's not imposible, x, y is changing every time in speed hack, so make a position-acelerator so if it get high then you get kicked

isnt that a mp_trace?

old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

User Off Offline

Im with TheKilledDeath, it`s impossible to make hack-free game.

Someone will ALWAYS find a new way to hack, bypass old protections, modify the whola game maybe?

You could work 20 years with protections and after 2 days someone has still hacked it.

That`s why Playstation 3 and other consoles rule, you can only hack them by modifying the save-game or working for 5 years with custom firmware which allows custom hacks.

And that sucks.

old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

User Off Offline

Most of the "anti-speed hack" kick innocent people that just lagg, but what if someone tries to make an "anti-speed hack" that just stops the player's movement? He must reconnect in order to move so laggers don't get banned (thought they can't play)

old Env_item


Could the entity Env_item have a offset? - Since I wanna be able to put a weapon under a Func_DynWall entity, maybe it could be adjustable like this in properties of Env_item.

Offset Y "0" (default)
Offset X "-32"
nearby left tile.

Think it would work?

old Offset


sOn_of_a_BirCH has written
offset for sounds also
After thinking about it, yea that'd be great too. Because I have to put the entity somewhere, but the sound is just in that specific area.

Let's say you're in a situation in the map editor when you got all these entities blocking that specific tile where you want the sound to be, but it's not possible when the area is filled with entities. We need offset.

The offset should be compatible for maps from previous versions, so it doesn't break old formatting. Because then it'll break old maps to pieces. I guess... Or is the old entities from the older versions of CS2D in the new CS2D just empty?

I tested to see if a map from a previous CS2D version worked well in CS2D v1.1.4.1. It did, the entity was just empty, I guess DC has it all planned or something.

I still need that offset...

old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

User Off Offline

1. Beeing able to create effects of different size through lua.

2. A setting to remove the "gut bomb for a kill".

3. Beeing able to show the serverinfo to 1 player only.
Could look like serverinfo2(id)

4. Beeing able to play a sound for a certain player through lua.

old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

User Off Offline

How about a:
1. Counter, every time triggered it will count up 1, and when it reaches a certin number it sends out an 'on' signal and resets.

2.A sound transfer. It will cover an area and any sounds made in that area will be copied to another set point, with an optional detirioration. This is useful if you want to make two levels, such as a basement, and when you throw an HE and go up the ladder or stairs or whatever, you can hear it in the 'above' room.

3. Player specific triggers, only able to be triggered by a certin player, defined by a seperate trigger that sends out the information of the player who activated it.

4. A buy-zone that does not spawn players. This could be used as an off-hand shop.

About the hacking, the best way to prevent this is to have the source code and other hackable items on a server, which send them to your computer. This is true for many MORPG's, and makes it hard (but still possible) to hack.

Please do not critisize me for anything I suggested that already was suggested, or anything that I say that is downright dumb, as I don't visit the CS2D fourm often.

old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

User Off Offline

how about a check point?

it takes real time to goto enemies base from your own base

i am not talking about invisible checkpoint
a check point like building which can be destroyed and only one can be build at a time

old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

Admin On Online

the offset stuff doesn't work. for env_sound yes - but probably not for items, objects etc. it doesn't work because of the way entities work and are programmed. I would have to rewrite nearly the whole entity system which is not going to happen.

items can be placed with a Lua map script everywhere. so at least for this problem there already is a solution.
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