
--- Edit ---
I'm playing it with 2 guys - it's awesome!
But can't chat.

edited 1×, last 30.09.09 07:23:54 pm
New Rex has written
But can't chat. 

Press "enter" key?
Blazzingxx has written
Press "enter" key?
New Rex has written
But can't chat. 

Press "enter" key?

Neriuxx has written
good game 

not so good
especially when it comes to start a round
there would be a flood of server when this game becomes as famous as CS2D
shadowski has written
reminds me of worms somehow
And it should

Becouse original idea is by Team-17.

shadowski has written
what i like in this game is especially blood, i hope there will be more gore in next versions 

More than supreme carnage blood?
You vamp's.

New Rex has written
More than supreme carnage blood?
You vamp's.
shadowski has written
what i like in this game is especially blood, i hope there will be more gore in next versions 

More than supreme carnage blood?
You vamp's.

i want to see bones and deatached limbs, also that heads wont fall in water but stay on terrain
shadowski has written
i want to see bones and deatached limbs, also that heads wont fall in water but stay on terrain
New Rex has written
More than supreme carnage blood?
You vamp's.
shadowski has written
what i like in this game is especially blood, i hope there will be more gore in next versions 

More than supreme carnage blood?
You vamp's.

i want to see bones and deatached limbs, also that heads wont fall in water but stay on terrain
It would be cool heads floating in water.
Or like Worms, when we die we get transformed in skeletons.

New Rex has written
That would be awsome, like the game, for a while... It would be cool heads floating in water. Or like Worms, when we die we get transformed in skeletons.
talls has written
New Rex has written
That would be awsome, like the game, for a while...It would be cool heads floating in water. Or like Worms, when we die we get transformed in skeletons.
What I said is pure carnage and a bit monster/meat-earlike.
btw can anyone tell me how to make maps but not in in game editor
BlueDragon96 has written
btw can anyone tell me how to make maps but not in in game editor
With paint , i guess it's not that hard to understand what to use when looking at the other maps.
LenZ has written
With paint , i guess it's not that hard to understand what to use when looking at the other maps.
BlueDragon96 has written
btw can anyone tell me how to make maps but not in in game editor
With paint , i guess it's not that hard to understand what to use when looking at the other maps.
And in the server lobby, select Map, then go up and I recommend you to create a monochrome map.
Just draw and stuff, than you can save and share.
The map will not be black as it is shown , sure it will look real when you try it.

But remember, in this Alpha CC doesn't allow to use intern map, meaning if you save, the map will be in your /maps folder but you can't put it as map until a new CC version releases with the Internal Map feature.
Pure destruction!