One important thing:
If you've got a firewall you need to allow full internet connection for CarnageContest
1. Hosting for everyone:
The most important thing here is to be able to forward a port to your PC.
To do so you need the password of your router and the IP of your router (normally or
Pro has written
To see your router's IP:
1. Go to start, and then to "Run" and type in "cmd" (without the quotation " marks).
2. you should see a black window pop up, type in "ipconfig /all" (without the quotation " marks).
3. it will list your router's IP next to "Standard Gateway"
4. now you know your router's IP, and you can close the window.
To access your router control panel
1. Open a webpage browser like Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox etc.
2. Type in your router's IP in the browser search bar. JUST the IP, do NOT add "http" or "www" before it! example. IMG: as simple as that. Then press 'Enter'.
3. you should see a login window which requires your username and password. If you do not know these, try googling your router's model name and try to find it's username and password.
4. if you succesfully entered your router's control panel page then your done! now you should go to your options/settings and Portforward to 36963 UDP (cs2d's & carnage contest's port)
1. Go to start, and then to "Run" and type in "cmd" (without the quotation " marks).
2. you should see a black window pop up, type in "ipconfig /all" (without the quotation " marks).
3. it will list your router's IP next to "Standard Gateway"
4. now you know your router's IP, and you can close the window.
To access your router control panel
1. Open a webpage browser like Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox etc.
2. Type in your router's IP in the browser search bar. JUST the IP, do NOT add "http" or "www" before it! example. IMG: as simple as that. Then press 'Enter'.
3. you should see a login window which requires your username and password. If you do not know these, try googling your router's model name and try to find it's username and password.
4. if you succesfully entered your router's control panel page then your done! now you should go to your options/settings and Portforward to 36963 UDP (cs2d's & carnage contest's port)
How to use your router control panel is not easy to explain, because it's different on each router.
The only thing I'm able to tell you is that you need to search for something which is called like "NAT preferences" or "Port preferences". You need to add a rule there where you forward Port 36963 UDP to the IP of your computer.
Then you're able to host CarnageContest games.
2. Hosting for your friends:
You want to play online with your friends but you're not able to forward ports? There's an alternative which works without hosting ports, but only people who install the same tool can play with each other.
The tool I'm talking about is called Hamachi. I suggest you to use Hamachi which is outdated, but the last version that works correctly.
-Download Hamachi and install it.
-Start it, then you should have a window like

-Click on the button down left.
-Do what the tutorial says.
Now you have two possibilities:
1. You need to create a network for you and your friends:
Click on the button with the triangle and click "Create a new Network". Use a name which doesn't exist (like "CarnageContest123123123") and a password which you will give your friends.
2. You need to join an existing network:
Click on the triangle and click on "Join an existing network". Use the name and the password given to you by your friend who created a new network.
Now someone in this network can host a game. The others need to copy his HAMACHI IP (you can see it in Hamachi) and use the "Connect to IP" function of CarnageContest. Enter the hosters IP there and Join.
edited 1×, last 01.10.09 06:55:12 am
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