One day untill Multiplayer is out
It will change Stranded history,
It will change how we make our mods,
It will change how we make our maps,
It will change how we play,
It will show us new ways to grief others,
And it will be great !
I Will Need To Create An Account On Hamachi ?
How To Use The Hamachi To Connect With Stranded 2 MP ?
To Create a Stranded 2 Server I Will Need To Open The Hamachi First ?
How About Serverlist ? It Will Be Like Cs2d ?
Sorry If This Questions Are Stupid For Some People , I'm Asking Because e Never Used Hamachi Before .
1. No
2. Just install Hamachi and then you can create an account
Then you need to join the network the other person is in
3. Yes, if you use Hamachi to play
4. Not exactly, it does not use the USGN (which is an advantage? ) But it is quite good enough I think.
1. No
2. Just install Hamachi and then you can create an account
Then you need to join the network the other person is in
3. Yes, if you use Hamachi to play
4. Not exactly, it does not use the USGN (which is an advantage? ) But it is quite good enough I think.
But I'll Need To Tell To My Friend The Network ID ? And , I'll NeeD To Open Hamachi , Create e Network And Then Open The Stranded MP ?
Another Thing , I'll Need To Create An Account Or I Can Create a Network Like a ''Guest'' ?