
Changelog has written
Optional player param. for Lua images (only one player can see img)
I am still interested on how this will work with lua scripts. Perhaps now we can create some HUD flashlight icon? 

This early release of the new version is great as a christmas present though. Merry Christmas!

here's an excerpt:
[IMAGES] - image("path",x,y,mode,[pl])	Creates an image (dynamic object) on the map. 				Mode 0 for floor image, mode 1 for top image and 				mode 2 for HUD image. 				Mode 101-132: draw under this player 				Mode 201-232: draw over this player 				When drawing at player, x and y are used this way: 				x<=0: do not rotate with player, x>0: rotate img with player 				y<=0: only draw if not covered by fog of war, y>0: draw always 				[pl] is an optional parameter. 0 (default value) means that 				all players see this image. If you set it to a player ID then 				only this player will see this image!

familyguyman has written
Why? You can edit it with the standard text editor of windows/linux you should add a Lua script editor
That's no bug. It's just impossible to host without a port open. DC can't fix anything related to this.and you should fix the New game that not much people can put there server on the Serverlist 

the "real" CS has no achievements too. and some achievements for Cs2d Beta or somthing just like the real Valve games 

TheKilledDeath has written
familyguyman has written
Why? You can edit it with the standard text editor of windows/linux you should add a Lua script editor
That's no bug. It's just impossible to host without a port open. DC can't fix anything related to this.and you should fix the New game that not much people can put there server on the Serverlist 

the "real" CS has no achievements too.and some achievements for Cs2d Beta or somthing just like the real Valve games 

i mean like the lua script editor to make it easier to make scripts and yes theres no achievement in the real cs im just want to make cs2d more fun to play
familyguyman has written
i mean like the lua script editor to make it easier to make scripts and yes theres no achievement in the real cs im just want to make cs2d more fun to play
First of all, suggestions are not allowed untill the lab is open and secondly, I don't see how could internal script editor should "make script writing more easier".
And why would you need achivements? You can script one with Lua!

for Lua editing use notepad++ its probably better than every editor I could make. a nice piece of software. and it's free.
edited 1×, last 21.01.10 12:31:06 am
AGAIN: no it is impossible and it has been suggested and declined so often already that I have to puke for 10 hours whenever I have to read this suggestion again. It's probably the suggestion I hate most. Thanks for repeating it again and again.
moreover this thread is NOT for suggestions. the lab is for suggestions and it is down. so NO suggestions/requests atm please.
DC has written
AGAIN: no it is impossible and it has been suggested and declined so often already that I have to puke for 10 hours whenever I have to read this suggestion again.
OMG! I loved that. It sure deserves a spot at my sign.

And well, crap, I thought it was possible...

What you want to do in your next version?
It is possible to make something like HLTV? To record demos?
Thanks in advise for your answers)))
you can record demos with camstudio :p

AMD32 has written
Or by using Fraps, like I do. @little bear
you can record demos with camstudio :p
you can record demos with camstudio :p

It's a great feature.
Little_Bear has written
I'm not interestig to see only my game, i want to see all the players. Not me only.. How other players play. I want not POV demo, HLTV I want ))) If it's posible )))
It's a great feature.
It's a great feature.

HLTV is not possible in CS2D!
DC doesn't want suggestions at the moment!