I really like this and am playing this on my other machine.

I really like this and am playing this on my other machine.
@echo off title Run Stranded II (windowed mode) start StrandedII.exe -win exit

Stranded 2.5 - Holzhacken / Chopping wood

Music is german language, but only in Video, enjoy !
@ Indiana: isn't your problem solved ?
The things from the video you can't download at the moment, they aren't finished yet.
BiGSiD has written
Here some news again.:
Stranded 2.5 - Holzhacken / Chopping wood
Music is german language, but only in Video, enjoy !
@ Indiana: isn't your problem solved ?

Stranded 2.5 - Holzhacken / Chopping wood

Music is german language, but only in Video, enjoy !
@ Indiana: isn't your problem solved ?

the trees are amazing, I think those are new even since the last update too right?
And no I still only have one computer to use this on.

nothing that requires much knowledge of german language...
Boy.. I am stupid.. -.- Lol
DC should upload this mod as the original stranded II..;)
i really love the hands! and the tools in it.
you got my deepest respect.
amstel bier9 has written
this mod is absolutly great!
DC should upload this mod as the original stranded II..;)
i really love the hands! and the tools in it.
you got my deepest respect.
DC should upload this mod as the original stranded II..;)
i really love the hands! and the tools in it.
you got my deepest respect.
if DC did made it the stranded that you download from the site, there would be problems. like DC said stranded 2 is completly modable but stranded 2.5 is not at all!
i tried adding some weapons and had to chnge some id's
so my pistol looked like a fishing rod.
@ UnIdEnTiFiEd: You can't simply add some new weapons or tools without making a new handsmodell with new tool in it, don't forgett animations. (adding any brutal weapons or things in mod isn't that what i want, i don't want to make a new shootergame !!)
But i have to say that i had a little funny time with punching sheeps

Yes just waiting for that next update.

The fishing animation is finished before you catch the fish, can I somehow fix this in my own game, like changing the script?