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English scripts used

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moved scripts used

User Off Offline

why players don't used script used. But admin server have used script!!11

function happy_town_kill(killer,victim,weapon,x,y)
     happy_town_warning[killer] = happy_town_warning[killer] + 1
     msg2(killer,"[WARNING] Don't kill other player! unless they are (EVIL)!")
     msg2(killer,"[WARNING] Warning "..happy_town_warning[killer].."/3")

     if (happy_town_warning[killer]>=3) then
          if (player(killer,"team")==2) then
               parse("setpos "..killer.." 3340 142")
               msg("["..player(killer,"name").."] has been jailed due to 3 of warning!")
               parse("strip "..killer.." 0")

          if (player(killer,"team")==1) then
               parse("setpos "..killer.." 3340 243")
               msg("["..player(killer,"name").."] has been jailed due to 3 of warning!")
               parse("strip "..killer.." 0")
function happy_town_use(id,x,y)
usgn = player(id,"usgn")

     -- Admin Door's
     if (x == 13 and y == 9) or (x == 15 and y == 9) or (x == 13 and y == 7) then
          if (usgn == admin_usgn) then
               parse("trigger admin_door")
               msg2(id,"[Happy Town]: Only Admin can enter this building!")
function happy_town_use(id,x,y)
usgn = player(id,"usgn")
     -- Weaponmarket weapon's info
     if (x == 18 and y == 61 or x == 18 and y == 61 or x == 46 and y == 3 or x == 66 and y == 2 or x == 67 and y == 20 or x == 47 and y == 30 or x == 47 and y == 31 or x == 22 and y == 22 or x == 62 and y == 35 or x == 87 and y == 30 or x == 18 and y == 81 or x == 19 and y == 81 or x == 45 and y == 63 or x == 46 and y == 63 or x == 61 and y == 68 or x == 92 and y == 84 or x == 93 and y == 84 or x ==57 and y == 29 or x== 57 and y== 30 or x == 58 and y == 29 or x == 58 and y == 30 or x == 60 and y == 29 or x == 60 and y == 30 or x == 61 and y == 29 or x == 61 and y == 30 or x == 63 and y == 29 or x == 63 and y == 30 or x == 64 and y == 29 or x == 64 and y == 29 or x == 64 and y == 30) then
          menu(id,"Eat/Drink Menu,Eat|30$,Drink|30$")

     if (title == "Eat/Drink Menu") then
          if (key == 1) then
               if (happy_town_hunger[id] >= -45) then
                    happy_town_hunger[id] = happy_town_hunger[id] - 5
                    msg2(id,"[System] Eating")
                    happy_town_currency[id] = happy_town_currency[id] - 30
                    msg2(id,"[System] You're full!")

          if (key == 2) then
               if (happy_town_thirst[id] >= -45) then
                    happy_town_thirst[id] = happy_town_thirst[id] - 5
                    msg2(id,"[System] Drinking")
                    happy_town_currency[id] = happy_town_currency[id] - 30
                    msg2(id,"[System] You're full!")

old Re: scripts used

Admin On Online

yeah... this is no proper english. please ask someone to translate this for you (don't use translation tools, they don't work!). otherwise we are not able to understand it...

you are asking why players don't use the script and why an admin used it?
what admin? what players?! this doesn't make sense!

old Re: scripts used

User Off Offline

Whats hun? I dislike it when people come to a thread and write random stuff.

old Re: scripts used

User Off Offline

I mean the players can not use lua but admin server is used. lua still work normally. Why?

old Re: scripts used

Admin On Online

in CS2D Lua runs on the server only. clients will never execute a single Lua command. this is because:

• otherwise it would be possible for clients to hack and manipulate the game using Lua

• otherwise server owners could write malicious scripts which are dangerous for clients

the system works because everything relevant done with Lua is synchronized over the internet (downside of this principle is that Lua execution causes more server traffic).

old Re: scripts used

User Off Offline

I will send the script to the admin. admin please help me review the script and milk it? help for me!

old Re: scripts used

Admin On Online

milk it wtf?

review? are you kidding? the script you sent me has hundreds of lines. I don't want to bother with super long scripts of random users. I'm not going to read this!

I'm not your Lua script fixing slave.

old Re: scripts used

User Off Offline

waguininho100 has written

Translator are gay and forbbiden, as said by DC!
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