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Black pixels became transparent on PNG screenshots
Lua images of a player will now be removed when player leaves
Lua hook spawn has been emitted for spectators on roundstart
Lua timers were added twice and had some others bugs
Buildings were covered by entities (palms etc.)
Massive FPS drop when pointing at wall with pathfinding tool
Editor will now never load more than 256 tiles (tile limit)
customkill does not work with dead players/spectators anymore
Bans haven been loaded wrong from bans.lst
"/quit" in built-in IRC chat caused CS2D to crash
Crash when loading damaged stat files
Strange pointer/crosshair positioning in higher resolution win.
Higher resolution win. allowed higher grenade throwing distance
Lua join hook has not been executed for pl. 1 on listen server
Lua use/usebutton hooks have not been executed correctly
Flare exploit which allowed to throw infinte flares (locally)
It was sometimes possible to reload unreloadable weapons
Pings were inaccurate (precision limited by FPS)
Grenade sync-bug when throwing grenade directly at yourself
Pings are now refreshed more frequently
Game now runs in window by default
Some minor performance tweaks
Mine/Lasermine moved from weapon slot 4 to weapon slot 5
Zombies can now also collect gut bombs (if any on map)
Zombies now can't kill each other with claws when FF is enabled
mp_autogamemode is now disabled by default
mp_randomspawn now also works in "Team Deathmatch"-mode
Maximum size for downloads is now 250 kb by default
maxplayers and port are now unchangeable if set as cmdl param
Not existing maps (on local PC) are now darker in serverlist
Player counts full/empty are now darker in serverlist
Large item versions in menu will be scaled depending on size
Better "rank" in-game interface output
Better "killed by" in-game interface output
Empty weapon on ground now says (empty) instead of (0|0)
Bigger close buttons for server info and map briefing
menu_svreqdelay new default value is 50 ms (instead of 30)
Player/item shadows can not be changed (unfair advantages)
Falling letters link effect is far less annoying now
Lag compensation for fair aiming with high pings
Player IDs are now displayed in scoreboard (in front of name)
Free cursor positioning / text editing for text inputs and chat
You can now use CTRL+X/C/V (cut/copy/past) in in-game chat
Right clicking a text input now opens a useful context menu
Console context menu (clear console, copy line, copy all)
Textbox context menu (copy line, copy all)
Minimap preview for existing maps in serverlist
Put [ ] around name/map filter to match identical values only
"Downloaded Files" download history (see Options -> Net)
Auto-Buy system (button in buy menu, autobuy.cfg)
Re-Buy system (button in buy menu)
Optional reason parameter for kick-command
Command mp_localrconoutput (show output of remote commands?)
Command mp_lagcompensation (lag compensation for aiming)
Command autobuy (automatically purchase weapons)
Command rebuy (purchase same weapons as before)
Command fps (display current fps / buffer values in console)
Command reroute (forward a player to another server)
Command spawnnpc (spawns a npc at a certain position)
"-rcon" commandline parameter (set rcon pw and make unchangeable)
"-nocache" commandline parameter (never load cached serverlist)
"-path" commandline parameter (change working directory)
"-fullscreen" commandline parameter (run in fullscreen)
"-lua" commandline parameter (use this lua script)
Lua image mode 3 (cover entities like palms etc.)
Lua Hook rcon (when someone sends remote control commands)
Lua Hook objectdamage (when dynamic object is damaged/repaired)
Lua Hook objectkill (when dynamic object is killed)
Lua Command randomentity (get pos of random entity of certain type)
Lua Command randomhostage (get pos of random hostage)
Lua Command closehostage (get hostage which is close to player)
Lua Command inentityzone (is tile in zone of certain entity type?)
Lua Command setentityaistate (set AI state of entity)
Lua Command closeitems (return all dropped items close to a player)
Lua Bot AI (super primitive, including many new commands and hooks)
Lua Command ai_say (bot chat)
Lua Command ai_sayteam (bot team chat)
Lua Command ai_radio (bot radio messages)
Lua Command ai_goto (let bot go to tile)
Lua Command ai_move (move bot to certain direction)
Lua Command ai_respawn (bot respawns)
Lua Command ai_findtarget (find enemy for bot)
Lua Command ai_freeline (check if line of fire is free)
Lua Command ai_aim (let bot aim at certain position)
Lua Command ai_iattack (intelligent bot attack)
Lua Command ai_attack (primitive bot attack)
Lua Command ai_buy (bot buys item)
Lua Command ai_use (bot uses environment)
Lua Command ai_rotate (bot rotates to certain direction)
Lua Command ai_selectweapon (bot selects a weapon)
Lua Command ai_reload (bot reloads current weapon)
Lua Command ai_drop (bot drops current weapon)
Lua Command ai_spray (bot sprays a spraylogo)
Lua Command ai_build (bot builds a building)
Lua Command ai_debug (show debug info for bot in ai debug mode)
"rcon" param for Lua cmd "player" (has player valid rcon login?)
Return value 2 for "drop" Lua hook (never fade out item)
Editor function to export image of whole map in different sizes
Editor warning when tileset has more than 256 tiles
Editor warning/confirmation when you try to overwrite a map
Editor distance tool now shows distance in tiles as well
Editor move whole map tool
Automatically reloading "bans.lst" when it has been modified
Super supply building (supply upgrade, spawns armor/rpg launcher)
Custom reload sfx is now possible with files in sfx/weapons/
- sfx/weapons/<WEAPONNAME>_clipout.wav
- sfx/weapons/<WEAPONNAME>_clipin.wav
env_npc entity which spawns NPCs (non-player characters)
Individual zombie player skin (gfx/npc/zombie.bmp)
HTTP download support for sys/servertransfer.lst
"weaponid" param for Lua cmd "player" (was pointless, always 0)

- sfx/weapons/<WEAPONNAME>_clipout.wav
- sfx/weapons/<WEAPONNAME>_clipin.wav