[EDIT] Refreshing the thread and working on mod in general
============= STRANDED II pro/Medieval MOD VERSION ALPHA (PLAYABLE) =============
Current version

Last thread update

Current development status

% of time I spend on mod: 65%

currently I'm writing the storyline

that's easy. I'll just make a soundtrack to prevent you from playing this mod in silence

models like towers, castles, etc.

real humans - hard to make to look like Crysis

not some - a lot of new items! however, it will take some time too. so additional help is always welcome

not in alpha release

this is, thanks to

Main idea & co-operation:

1st helper:

2nd helper:

3rd helper:

4th helper:
empty slot
5th helper:
empty slot
I have used some stuff wich isn't mine:

Click for screenshoot

Psytechnic's models
Lion_Hearted's models
Full Changelog:
edited 46×, last 09.11.12 09:30:10 pm