Download (~11 mb)
Freeze after first turn with manual positioning and enabled mines
Green Supply crate shine effect was affected by mine blinking
Leave messages from lobby were displayed in-game at start of session
Command ai_weapon did not work
Mines were placed at wrong positions on non-random maps
"Switch Player" item amount has not been reduced on use
Asynchronous random map generation due to floating point disparity
Wrong map preview alignment on client-side
Problems with asynchronous random numbers on different platforms
Balancing: Some weapon damage/amount/availability values changed
Flames at same pos. don't cause more damage than a single flame anymore
Lua IO functions disabled (potential security vulnerability)
Lua OS.execute function disabled (potential security vulnerability)
Starting team is determined in a more fair way (always different)
Chat is now visible while weapon selection menu is opened
Editor can now be accessed from main menu as well
You can now see all server settings @ server info menu in-game
Supply crate amount levels: none, few, some, many, insane
Auto update (Windows only)
Taskbar flashing (Windows only)
Weapon crate chance setting (how often will item be in crates?)
Active player blinks if it is yours and you are idle
Team detail box when hovering a team name in-game
"Send audio signal" function in lobby
Screenshot function (Pos1/Home key)
Water bubble particles
Bullet particles
Spark particles
Bear traps
"No Damage" game mode
"InstaGib" game mode
Lua scripted game modes (see "scripts/Game Modes")
Lua scripted objects are now possible (stay in map as long as you want)
Lua object commands: www.CarnageContest.com/help_cmds.php?cat=objects
Lua hudmapborder command (draw red mapborder)
Lua hudpositioning command extended (object collision parameter)
Lua collision command extended (object collision and ignore system)
Lua terrainmodification command (has the terrain been modified?)
Lua firecollision command (text collision with fire objects)
Lua random and randomseed commands (synchronous random numbers)
Lua screenwidth and screenheight commands (get screen resolution)
Wind setting (server setting)
Mine explosion delay setting (server setting)
Crates on map limit setting (server setting)
Bear trap amount setting (server setting)
Medikit amount setting (server setting)
Medikit heal setting (server setting)
Game ender start setting (server setting)
Game ender type setting (server setting)
Icons and different colors in weaponset editor for better overview
Recently collected items will now be highlighted in inventory
Current player blinks on minimap
Animation and sounds for stats
F1-F12 can be used as weapon-hotkeys (point at wpn and hit key to assign)
Map size is now displayed over the minimap in lobby
Text shadow setting (allows to disable text shadows on slow systems)
Mine Drop
Medikit Drop
Trap Kit
Baby Buggy
Shield Generator
The Stake of Inquisition
Stealth Ninja
Rope (by Tobchen)
Shaft (by Holzchopf)
Super Shaft (by Holzchopf)

edited 2×, last 30.09.10 02:22:43 pm