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Englisch Update

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alt Update

User Off Offline

since the newest update i have not been able to sign in to the game and i changed my password and reinstalled the game 2 times and it still wont let me, also when i open the game from the shortcut the game is in a very small window and i have to go to setup and set it to full screen then click run game which gets annoying. If i am doing anything wrong can som1 please let me know

alt Re: Update

User Off Offline

About the shortcut, go to the launcher put it in full-screen and the go to the button create a bat file and then u can start the game from the bat file u create. good luck

alt Re: Update

User Off Offline

it needs to be in the file to work so i cant just open it from desktop

alt Re: Update

User Off Offline

yes i know it still doesnt work for me, and i got the batfile working just had to make a shortcut of it but leave the main one in the file ;p
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