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English Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

user Geez has written
How about some Bootstrap-based stuff for that re-code?

Foundation is better.

@user Nekomata: You probably have viruses, mate. AVG can help you with that.

Screenshots can also help us know if what you are talking about even is a virus or not. Might even be addons for your browser.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

It can't technically be called a virus... But it's not displaying with Chrome; I used firefox last time. Welp, probably adware. Apologies for the false alarm.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

I just noticed - when your mark the page numbers in the forum, this happens

(I do hope this is the kind of thread to post site bugs?)

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

user Hador has written
I just noticed - when your mark the page numbers in the forum, this happens

(I do hope this is the kind of thread to post site bugs?)

Actually, not only the pages numbers, it's all the numbers on the forum.
And I think it's not a problem, it's an easy way to search about the users.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin Off Offline

It's (honestly) a feature and not a bug because many people refer to users (mostly in PMs) by simply telling the ID and not by giving an ID - which is ultra annoying and inconvenient for me. So this is a quick way to go to the profile quicker. I'm also planning to extend/improve this in feature in future.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

@user DC: You completely missed the point, lel. If you didn't notice, it popped up while hovering above a page number. Last time I checked, page numbers aren't US IDs.

Edit: Oh wait, it only happens when you select the number. Odd, but now I see what it's for. Welp, nevermind then. Guess my brain just had a black-out for a sec. You can delete this useless post then, if you want.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

About the names time change, you should let it much less than actually this. Because it's unnecessary to let it over the 6 months.
Let it at least 1-2 months.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin Off Offline

@user THEMUD: Some people tend to change names frequently which is an annoying nuisance for all other users because they have to get used to the new names. That's why there are those rather long name changing "cooldowns". They force you to think twice before changing your nick which is a good thing. I won't change it. I hope you understand.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

user DC has written
@user THEMUD: Some people tend to change names frequently which is an annoying nuisance for all other users because they have to get used to the new names. That's why there are those rather long name changing "cooldowns". They force you to think twice before changing your nick which is a good thing. I won't change it. I hope you understand.

Yes I understand as right, but you can make it just less than 6 months.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

6 months is really good , why would you like to change ur name every week ? Its so annoying to leep looking a new name with same caractere&acting in a small time , btw ive changed my name cuz its sucks

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

I would make it even longer, not shorter. You should not change your name at all, if possible. The name is about having a way to recognize a person in a short amount of time, without having to look at the id number. And I don't think that you change your opinion about a name every 2 month.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

Or maybe after a certain amount of posts/comments. So active people can change their names quite often (for example after 360 posts. So if you have 2 posts/day you can change it after 6 months) because they are more or less famous.
People which aren´t that active are forced to be active if they wan´t to change their names.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Super User Off Offline

Its okay as it is, but as @user Nova: already mentioned you shouldnt even be able to change the name at all or just once after registration, if you made a mistake or something you can once correct it or simply change your name in a 30days period. That should be all you can do.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

@user Bowlinghead: Spam incoming ?
@user XoOt: I disagree, changing names is a great feature. Most people here register(ed) when they're ~12-13 y/o and their mentality changes over time (including my own). You wouldn't want to be 18 y/o with a name "Potato_slayer696969xD" or anything similar to that. That's why changing names should stay. The period seems fine to me. As someone else said, changing names isn't something that happens frequently, 6 months is a perfect time between too low and too high.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

@user Kirito2K: I don't think that might be necessary, you can express your like/dislike via reply and if you don't like the current file you can simple not press the "like' button.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin Off Offline

"Dislikes" lead to trouble and make many people behave like idiots and to start flaming. There was a 5-star rating system which has been removed because it caused too much trouble. Especially "revenge rating" was a huge problem. Some people even created fake accounts just to give bad ratings. Therefore the current system won't be changed.

And also user GeoB99 is right: a "bad" or "neutral" rating equals a comment without checking the like box. No real need for a dislike function.
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