
And Carnage Contest isn't much famous.
CC needs something special, that makes it what it is for it to grow. Just a worms remake (Not that remakes are bad) won't be good enough. I think first the weapons must be perfected (With damage) to make it a more tactical game instead of a baseball bat to-the-face round.

problems are probably:

my plans are actually to add a good and epic single player mission and a good tutorial which explains most of the weapons. afterwards I'll try to get more publicity for that game.
edited 1×, last 18.02.12 07:25:41 pm

Stuff which CS2D is popular for is, for instance, role play mods and other genre-changing modifications, while the same role play would not be possible in CC owing to its being turn-based.
edited 1×, last 18.02.12 07:26:52 pm


edited 1×, last 18.02.12 07:27:40 pm

Edit 1:
Is it possible to disable turn based? So everyone can move at a time? That would be swick

edited 1×, last 18.02.12 07:27:45 pm

Edit 1:
Is it possible to disable turn based? So everyone can move at a time? That would be swick
Is it possible to disable turn based? So everyone can move at a time? That would be swick

This would be great and make it an even better game.
edited 1×, last 18.02.12 07:28:43 pm (but this one is single player)
unfortunately it's totally impossible to make it realtime like CS2D. the whole game and technique is based on turn based stuff. otherwise it would have a realtime mode already. but a round based game like worms was the plan and that's what it is.
edited 1×, last 18.02.12 07:30:55 pm

Edit 1:
Oh that's too bad, missions are cool--love to see moar of those
Edit 2:
so it's "hardcoded" into the game..
I was thinking of a lua command to disable turns and allow everyone to move

edited 1×, last 18.02.12 07:32:53 pm
Missions offline wouldn't contribute to the success and wouldn't increase the number of online servers either.

Look at Soldat, awesome game with loads of players.

So cs2d...but in a side-scroller version...I'd buy that 

I'd pirate it. But you get my point, worth having such a game.