- I think Windows 10 notifications cause CS2D to minimize. Maybe there is a solution for this.
This happens on Windows 8 Pro either. However, I don't know what is the actual thing which causes that. Sometimes, the game minimizes itself somehow. Thus, this would make a big issue for people who uses a different solution for desktop and CS2D.
@ _Yank: For that I would need to change backend of BlitzMax. I'm having several attempts for this, however I'm afraid that would cause 100 new issues/bugs.
I'd like to see in editor (if possible) when one place env_sprite and click on "image file" to see the actual litle picture of sprite one wants place... This is because sometimes I have sprites like chair1, chair2, chair3; or car1, car2, car3 etc. and it would make alot easier to place sprites one wants to place... The problem isn't big, it's just sometimes anoying when I look for specific sprite and i have to place each separately too see for which one I'm loking for.
Simply rename them:
Car_black.png, Chair_wooden.png, Office_chair.png bal bla bal, not?
If you're using windowed mode while making maps you can open folder where they lay.
For 3D mode
Please add new image mode for Lua which will draw sprite covering player (33 pixels in height) and posibility to make a shadow of the image too .
There are spots on maps where you can jump off but can not go back: when you try to climb back you just get pushed aback repeatedly. (de_nuke, de_mirage)
Make it possible to get pushed aback several times but climb back eventually. As in real CS, you jump off a house, but can climb back with a little delay.
Regarding the login field in the main menu: I dislike it because it would make the login too prominent. It would imply that you need an account to play which is not true. This is dangerous because people might uninstall the game when they think that an account is required. Everybody knows that creating accounts is a very annoying process.
Another thing to keep in mind is the upcoming Steam release which will probably make U.S.G.N. accounts a bit less important as players can also be identified via Steam. Well, If they use Steam and if I implement that functionality.
I do agree however that there is room for improvements. You can already click the login status in the menu. Then a help page opens, explaining everything and giving you a link which opens the login data settings. All this could be simplified and it could be made more user-friendly for sure.
Registration to play with bots? via new game? while there is "find servers"? sounds stupid. but!
Just change text while not logged and not wrong to log in:
Something like that.
Hello. We will get a lot of. New players but we need them.to stick. For that I believe we should invent new things. For this you can create a sense of progression ( apart from ranking in the sv which is already buggy. For this sense of progression you can create a profile for each player with steam or us Id
It would be in the game and have some sort of leveling for.example if you play standard you develop that gamemode if you play construction you develop.that gamemode. Well idk how would that apply to happytown. Also maybe weapons skins? Just slight recolors nothing very confusing or atleast not confusing for standard mode. And well you guys can think of otherr things. Also things to improve security: watch players pointer from spec ( never worked by lua) this will scare players to use aimbot. Hide servers ip ( this will save us from rookie ddosers) no one joins by ip anyways except in tournaments when we use the sv invisible things.