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English Cs2D Splash-bug

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old Cs2D Splash-bug

User Off Offline

I was making some CS2D splashes I actually wanted to upload here, but ehrm... well... I am some kind of bugged.

It's hard to describe the problem, when I create a splash, put it in my GFX folder and run CS2D, the splash moves right/left. I made 2 screenshots to show this bug, yet DC didn't know the matter so I decided to ask it here.

Does anyone of you know the problem?
(First image = How a "normal" splash looks to me.
Secound image = How a "fixed" splash looks to me.)

old Re: Cs2D Splash-bug

User Off Offline

Yea, I though about posting it there too, but DC actually said that this bug is not usually to CS2D and he's got no clue about it. I was even thinking about posting it in Off-Topic because it might be an Bitmap-error. But I am not sure :S

Oraight, thanks for your comment.

old Re: Cs2D Splash-bug

User Off Offline

It is. 640x480

I was thinking about an BitMap error or there's something wrong in the BitMap settings.


As an example. This is the image: OIuIO. Ingame it looks like this OOIuI.

old Re: Cs2D Splash-bug

Moderator Off Offline

Try saving it as jpg and renaming it into bmp. My splashes are done like that and they always worked correctly - don't know why yours aren't.

old Re: Cs2D Splash-bug

Admin Off Offline

Are you using one of those super crappy Intel GMA video chips? Maybe update your drivers and DirectX! Also try OpenGL and fullscreen with the launcher.

Also could you give us the splash so we can test it on our machines?

old Re: Cs2D Splash-bug

Cure Pikachu
User Off Offline

Tried the splash "straight out of the box", and it gave me the same problem. My other (7) splashes work properly.
Solved the problem by saving it as a 24-bit bitmap.

The problem is that you saved it as a 32-bit bitmap. Most programs (including CS2D) has problems with it.
edited 1×, last 08.10.12 03:03:33 pm

old Re: Cs2D Splash-bug

User Off Offline

Yep, you're right. Seems my gimp is some kind of bugged... When I saved it as 24bit there, it was still bugged, now I saved it with Paint and it worked. Thanks for the help, now I know what I have to fix there.
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