
Deleted User

Re: Facebook bought Unreal Software!
Deleted User

you got me

Worst April Fools ever btw

I'm boy, but mine sister WAS using mine login. I can't change name now. Site do not let me. has *1: Bad TLD *2: No business plan *3: Owns nothing except domain and games *4: No emplyees.
many many moreeeeeeee....
And since I brought up that topic, the introduction of the "like" system and the Timeline to Unreal Software will be happening soon, and personally, I can't wait! In my opinion, greater integration with Facebook and its services is what this community was missing.
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I sincerely hope that this Facebook version will be a success. I can already imagine how popular in facebook it'll get when you release it !

Don't you have some rioting to do instead of trolling us.

Still better than Call of Duty.
Also, I liked the song honestly. Where can I find the music?
first or second one what you want

I made that years ago and I actually don't remember the source of that music. The only thing I know is that the file is called "relax_02_CHA_relaxation_L2.mp3" 

So you knew years ago that Facebook will buy Unrealsoftware on a first April?

It already happens, with help of Russian agents that are disguised as moderators.
edited 1×, last 01.04.14 08:45:41 pm
