it works fine for me btw

it works fine for me btw

Well the launcher wont work properly (I can only get up to 800x600) and no one answered my question yet so I took my time to create my own launcher using Batch.
It's pretty simple and has many features like saving but its only for resolutions (no OpenGL and stuff support)
Here's the code:
Save this inside a file named: CS2D Custom Resolution.bat
Place it in your CS2D folder.
Moderators can feel free to ask me what each thing does in case of "OMG VIRUS AAA" or "BAN AAAA".
Didn't knew where to post
Just to point out:
Launcher max resolution for me: 800x600
Batch max resolution for me: 1024x768
It's pretty simple and has many features like saving but its only for resolutions (no OpenGL and stuff support)
Here's the code:
Save this inside a file named: CS2D Custom Resolution.bat
Place it in your CS2D folder.
Moderators can feel free to ask me what each thing does in case of "OMG VIRUS AAA" or "BAN AAAA".
Didn't knew where to post

Just to point out:
Launcher max resolution for me: 800x600
Batch max resolution for me: 1024x768
I updated the code and it now supports these:

What it doesn't support:

I'll try to add the things that are missing soon, in the meanwhile... Enjoy!

And i don't have a Radar if i join a Server or in my own Server.

Yes and there is solution. Use OpenGL settings.

That isn't a solution. When I use "OpenGL settings" my fps drops dramatically after every round for some unknown reason.
Screenshots below:
In the screenshots above, you notice that my FPS goes from 50 right down to 24. However I get a different result every time the round ends, the round after this one dropped right down to 3 FPS, my team had already left base, by the time I spawned in.

UPD: That's a weirder problem that I thought. It turns out I had both, pointer.png and pointer.bmp whereas .bmp is the correct one from CS2D and .png is a single custom pointer from somewhere. The real issue is that the .png pointer is only 24x24 in size (as opposed to the original 46x46) but the error message doesn't state that.



edited 2×, last 08.05.16 11:01:40 am

CS2DKc: Unfortunately bad OpenGL performance is a common issue for many users. We are working on a fix. Until then I recommend to either play in window (the new resolution options allow you to make this look nearly like full screen) or to not tab out of the game. Sorry for the trouble 

How long is the fix gonna take? As I play CS:2D in the competitive scene, so playing CS:2D in windowed mode doesn't help my situation at all, regardless of the new resolution options.
In the future, as a developer I'd check these errors before a release. Previous version of the application was fine, we all could've waited.

It's not likely for a person who is creating an application to test if for example switching windows still works - simply because the expectation of it is to work as it always has.
It sucks that there are so many bugs, and hey, I bet DC finds it just as annoying as everyone else if not more.
edited 1×, last 08.05.16 06:49:13 pm

That's disgusting behaviour. Your suppose to be a "Reviewer" for the Unreal Software community you should act more mature.
Re: Counter-Strike 2D
Deleted User
We understand your frustration, but try to understand the situation. This update brought a lot of features, I bet it required a lot of code refactoring, so bugs are to be expected. There are only three developers working on CS2D, so it's not wise to expect them to check every little thing, it would just take too much time.

DC and his developers are still working on fixing bugs (including the existing ones) and the date isn't estimated so please do not ask the same thing when it'll be fixed.
Anyone who still asks the same question will get a small temporary ban as a warning just to get you understood that it doesn't make sense to ask the same thing again.

Why don't you make cs2d open source, assign yourself and the 2 other developers acceptors of commits/patches and create an automatic build environment ? Allow a couple of enthusiasts to test before releasing
Testing won't help out, I knew these problems all the way I started working on it. I just like the way blitzmax provided it's framework with no features whatsoever... meanwhile their code limits more advanced features.

CS2D is written with a pretty unpopular and limited programming language which even makes it less likely that skilled people would ever touch the code. There are only very few experienced BlitzMax programmers or experienced people who are willing to use BlitzMax (because it's - sorry - crappy and outdated). And you need to have experience to (effectively) work on CS2D's code base because it's a rather big cross-platform multiplayer game. Not exactly what bloody beginners should mess around with...

Is there any way to detect who is using mods? Clientdata mode 4 is a little bit useless because of this. Someone can put in mods folder longer weapons or even hitsounds and no one will be able to detect what is inside. What do you think about removing modding support in next release and return to the old method of modding? It's just a suggestion.

Good question, I'd like to know the answer to this also. As i do play on the competitive side of CS:2D. Obviously MOSS Anti-Cheat system would pick up on longer weapon skins and what not.