I found a thread about your smartphone and the first thing they mentioned was to NOT DO A FACTORY RESET WITH TWRP.
You messed up twice in a row, congratulations.

And by the way, a factory reset will not help you remove a
wrong recovery version. Factory reset only affects the OS. You have not done your homework.
Now I am quite sure you are unsure about the different modes your smartphone has and can boot into. Since you can see a message it surely boots into something, but not into the broken recovery.
4PDA has written
1) Recovery - contains 3 options
- Reboot
- Factory reset with data reset
- Clear cache
How to enter: Disconnect the PC cable (if connected)!!! To enter recovery when the smartphone is off, press Power + Volume Up - it will vibrate and turn the screen on. Release the buttons now
You can it replace with custom recovery - TWRP - which is GOOD, but to flash (a new ROM) you need to replace it with Stock Recovery which is BAD.
2) eRecovery - contains 3 options
- Reboot
- Load last version and recover (only works on Chinese models)
- Power Off
How to enter: Turn off the smartphone, press Volume Up and connect to PC while Volume Up is pressed. Vibration and a logo will appear - release the key.
With an unlocked bootloader you can (only?) enter from a menu with a warning when booting the phone: when you see a yellow menu hold down Volume Up for at least 3 seconds and then release.
Can be replaced with custom recovery - TWRP - which is GOOD, no need to replace with Stock eRecovery for flashing which is also GOOD.
3) Fastboot
Power off the device, connect to PC while holding down Volume Down.
After you find out what of the above still works you can proceed reading in this direction. Just beware that everything you do incorrectly now could potentially kill your phone. If you don't have 2-3 different opinions/threads to back you up - don't do it.
Rooting and reflashing is time consuming not because it takes long to reflash but because you must be 100% certain of what you're doing and what it will result in. Basically it's a lot time for reading the same stuff all over again.
PS: I assume fastboot still works and you'll need adb (Android Device Bridge) with a working Windows driver to flash a new recovery.
4PDA has written
Fastboot commands:
adb devices // check if device is connected and paired
adb reboot bootloader // boot into fastboot
fastboot oem unlock ХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХ (bootloader code) // unlock of the bootloader
fastboot flash recovery recovery_twrp_p9lite.img // install TWRP
fastboot flash recovery recovery_stock_p9lite.img // install of stock recovery
fastboot flash boot boot.img // flash boot
fastboot flash cust cust.img // flash cust
fastboot flash system system.img // flash system
fastboot flash recovery RECOVERY.img // flash RECOVERY
fastboot reboot // reboot