I tried to do it by myself but i failed.
I want the command by like this: !warn <id> <reason>
And when player reach 3 warns he get kicked
Can someone help me ?
edited 2×, last 17.05.18 10:48:22 am
warn = {} addhook("say","wsay") function wsay(id,txt) if string.sub(txt:lower(),1,5) == "!warn" then local s, targ, reas = txt:find(" ",7) targ, reas = tonumber(txt:sub(7,s-1)), txt:sub(s+1) if targ and reas then warn[targ]=warn[targ]+1 if warn[targ]>=3 then parse("kick "..targ.." \""..reas.."\"") else msg2(targ,"You've been warned for such reason! : "..reas) end else msg2(id,"Error: Target is missing or the reason.") end end end addhook("leave","winit") addhook("join","winit") function winit(id) warn[id]=0 end