Well, in General, this script should be a menu. and in it for example Molotov / off Molotov / on. This means a birth without Molotov and a on with Molotov. I apologize in advance for my English
Help me pliz
plSp = { he = {}, motv = {}, wrn = {}, kev = {}, nv = {} } for i = 1,32 do plSp.he[i] = 'OFF' plSp.motv[i] = 'OFF' plSp.wrn[i] = 'OFF' plSp.kev[i] = 'OFF' plSp.nv[i] = 'OFF' end addhook('serveraction','start_items') function start_items(id,action) if action==1 then menu(id,'Start Player Item,HE|IS '..plSp.he[id]..',Motolov Cocktail|IS '..plSp.motv[id]..',Wrench|IS '..plSp.wrn[id]..',Kevlar + Helm|IS '..plSp.kev[id]..',Night Vision|IS '..plSp.nv[id]) end end addhook('menu','spawnItems') function spawnItems(id,mnu,btn) if mnu == 'Start Player Item' then local E,D = '\169000255000ENABLED@C','\169255000000DISABLED@C' if btn == 1 then if plSp.he[id] == 'OFF' then plSp.he[id] = 'ON' else plSp.he[id] = 'OFF' end if plSp.he[id] == 'OFF' then msg2(id,'HE '..D) else msg2(id,'HE '..E) end elseif btn == 2 then if plSp.motv[id] == 'OFF' then plSp.motv[id] = 'ON' else plSp.motv[id] = 'OFF' end if plSp.motv[id] == 'OFF' then msg2(id,'Motolov Cocktail '..D) else msg2(id,'Motolov Cocktail '..E) end elseif btn == 3 then if plSp.wrn[id] == 'OFF' then plSp.wrn[id] = 'ON' else plSp.wrn[id] = 'OFF' end if plSp.wrn[id] == 'OFF' then msg2(id,'Wrench '..D) else msg2(id,'Wrench '..E) end elseif btn == 4 then if plSp.kev[id] == 'OFF' then plSp.kev[id] = 'ON' else plSp.kev[id] = 'OFF' end if plSp.kev[id] == 'OFF' then msg2(id,'Kevlar + Helm '..D) else msg2(id,'Kevlar + Helm '..E) end elseif btn == 5 then if plSp.nv[id] == 'OFF' then plSp.nv[id] = 'ON' else plSp.nv[id] = 'OFF' end if plSp.nv[id] == 'OFF' then msg2(id,'Night Vision '..D) else msg2(id,'Night Vision '..E) end end end end addhook('spawn','spawnItem') function spawnItem(id) if plSp.he[id] == 'ON' then parse('equip '..id..' 51') end if plSp.motv[id] == 'ON' then parse('equip '..id..' 73') end if plSp.wrn[id] == 'ON' then parse('equip '..id..' 74') end if plSp.kev[id] == 'ON' then parse('equip '..id..' 58') end if plSp.nv[id] == 'ON' then parse("spawnitem 59 "..player(id,"tilex").." "..player(id,"tiley")) end end
items = { 	spawn = "", 	off = {51, 73, 74, 58, 59}, 	on = {}, 	menuString = "Start player items", 	hooks = {"serveraction","menu","spawn"}, 	admin = 155954 } for k,hook in pairs (items.hooks) do 	addhook(hook, "_"..hook) end function getMenu() 	for k,v in pairs (items.off) do 		menuString = menuString..","..itemtype(v,"name").."|DISABLED" 	end 	for k,v in pairs (items.on) do 		menuString = menuString..","..itemtype(v,"name").."|ENABLED" 	end end function _serveraction(id, b) 	if player(id,"usgn") == items.admin then 		menu(id,getMenu()) 	end end function _menu(id, t, b) 	if t == "Start player items" then 		if items.off[b] ~= nil then 			items.on[b] = items.off[b] 			items.off[b] = nil 		end 		if items.on[b] ~= nil then 			items.off[b] = items.on[b] 			items.on[b] = nil 		end 		for k,v in pairs (items.on) do 			items.spawn = items.spawn..tostring(v).."," 		end 		items.spawn = items.spawn:sub(1,items.spawn:len()-1) 	end end function _spawn(id) 	return items.spawn end