walker images
walker images
3 replies hi all
i want to know how can i make a png(image) movable same as he walk with lua?
an image move's from possition A to B and his movement take 10 second's same as he walked .
example : a boat move's on water from this side to other side . you want hud image that move when player move?
thats it
if you want another modes thats it (copied from cs2d faq
Mode 0: floor image (covered by players etc)
Mode 1: top image (covering players)
Mode 2: HUD image (covering everything, part of the interface,
affected by mp_hudscale)
Mode 3: super top image (covering everything on the map)
Mode 4: background image (covering only the background)
Mode 101-132: draw under this player (id+100)
Mode 201-232: draw over this player (id+200)
Mode 133-164: draw over this player and over entities (id+132) DC Admin
I think he is talking about moving a separate image, not about attaching an image to the player.
Also if you refer to the command reference please just type cs2dlua:
and then select the command. Same for hooks with cs2dhook:
or regular commands with cs2d:
. This way a link will be added and you don't need to copy&paste reference content.
For moving an image smoothly from one position to another use
tween_move. This will move the image from its current position to a new position in the specified time. @
KingShadow: DC is right . i mean seprate image
DC: Thanks DC tween _move was that