
Can you buy a steam game form different region?
10 replies

2nd result on google query "are steam purchases region specific"
In Steam you need the VPN to activate AND to play the game. So it's quite annoying. The game becomes a "normal" game in your library after like 2-3 months and you don't have to use a VPN connection anymore from that point on but until then you have to use it whenever you want to play the game. You probably also would have a horrible ping/latency in multiplayer games when using a VPN (especially if it's a free one).
But as I said: This is potentially dangerous, annoying and probably not fully legal. Don't betray game developers by buying cheap versions for other countries. Get the local version and support the devs. Prices only differ for countries because they are based on the income of the people living there. It's fair and it would be bad to trick this system.
edited 1×, last 01.11.18 10:54:35 am
Sharing your account is also against their ToS but practically they do not care if its between 1-2 friends (probably until you start purchasing games out of borders).


I want to hear what the community says rather than some blogs.

Depends entirely on the game. I fully support the developers that I think deserve my money and for example I never buy games from EA or Ubisoft.
DC: Does that mean that if I create a new account while having my VPN located in Russia, it will automatically assume I live in Russia after some period of time?

No, I meant newly bought region-locked games will be unlocked after a few months so they can be played without VPN. I don't know why it works like that to be honest. Maybe legal reasons. Your Steam account is not affected by this*. It will still be "linked" to the country/region you're living in. So if you buy another game which is not for your region you'll have to use VPN for it again - at least until it gets unlocked as well.
*) unless Valve decides to block it because you're doing suspicious and probably forbidden stuff.
I don't know what happens if you keep using Steam with the VPN connection only. That's a horrible idea anyway because it would affect all your Steam multiplayer games and all Steam downloads in a negative way.
I would however assume that at some point Steam says "oh, that person probably moved so let's switch the region of the account". Just guessing though. You'll certainly find more on this topic when you search for it. There must be people with Steam accounts who moved to another country.

Steam itself does this, not the game developers. What are you talking about?

