
The settings say "current growth rate", but does that go any deeper than the current growth rate? Because especially in logistic curves, the second derivative plays an important role. Also, it seems to only look at the last measured growth, maybe a weighted inclusion of past growths might create more realistic results
Also, the projection for a year makes for some interesting results - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines are predicted to have more than a Googol of infections within a year

The virus is called SARS-CoV-2, not "nCoV-19". The name 2019-nCoV was used temporarily (as a provisional name) until it was properly classified, but its been months since that term has been used.
Also there's no space between "corona" and "virus", the word is coronavirus.


well done

you've clearly earned your web design wings well and truly.
EDIT:cool website,

I don't really like the dotted underline.

Meanwhile in Finland someone has become a zombie or risen


I added live projection counters for the selected region and worldwide!
they work this way:
total cases reported last day + new cases last day * factor
for the global counter it's the sum of all cases reported last day and the sum of all new cases reported last day.
edited 2×, last 10.04.20 08:49:39 pm

Nothing will happen lol
This didnt age well

the disease is pretty bloody infectious

The full source of the page (HTML + JavaScript) can be viewed though. It's not minified or anything. So people who know something about JS could easily make a version with different sorting.
The reason for that odd behavior is that Spain corrected its death count, which makes the statistic believe the delta of new infections and deaths has gone negative. Thus, statistically Spain now has the best health rate on corona infections in the world.
Conclusion: Never trust statistics that you didn't manipulate yourself