A few steps
1. Have a list of companies possible for subsidiaries (for whatever task needs to be done)
2. Pay them all a small sum
3. Increase the budget of the companies with the best dollar-results ratio
4. Repeat step 3 every two weeks
5. Pay inventors directly 1/2 of the money saved/made by their inventions because paying them the full amount would give the government no gain, but paying them less would be unfair. This would still give the inventors more money than they would regularly make because they would get half of ALL the amount their invention made/saved over the ENTIRE nation.
In short, the patent would be given to the government in exchange for vast sums of money; half of what the patent saves/makes over the entire U.S. This would make it more fair for inventors who usually don't get much credit for their inventions, and would also encourage people to invent more stuff. This would also stop companies from hoarding patents.
6. After getting the patents, get a company to produce the invention using steps 1-4.
7. Give officials promotions if they work efficiently and demote them if they do a lousy job. Even demote people in the highest offices when more efficient working people are available for the position
8. If the government can run this way, they could make enough profit that they wouldn't need to rely on taxes, instead getting their budget from producing products efficiently, marketing efficiently, focusing on the right things without wasting budget money on lazy, slow, money guzzling projects (or at least hiring competent people to get projects done faster and cheaper).
9. Democrats and republican views don't matter as much as many people think. Economy and efficiency (without compromising safety or the environment, of course) are much more important than political fights.
10. Instead of fighting over whether socialism or capitalism is better, actually run trials and see which overall balance between them improves the economy and the well-being of the citizens overall at the same time.
11. Hire a group of efficiency experts to visit factories and facilities working for the government, and also weed out officials taking bribes (which results in lower efficiency of government)
I looked up ways to improve government efficiency and nobody had a similar idea. They just posted problems with the government without really finding much of a solution. I just wonder if this would work.
anyone see any problems with this? Any ways to improve this process?
I hope somebody from the government will see this

maybe if this is implemented the government could make enough to be self-sustainable without taxes... (that's just me being hopeful though)
my political position: Very far middle