But sometimes the issue does not happen, probably because the line width reset somewhere.

But sometimes the issue does not happen, probably because the line width reset somewhere.

Experiencing new visual bugs while using steam CS2D and DirectX. Some of them happen only if advanced shadow is enabled higher than simple and lighting enabled. Filtered Crosshair is not working properly sometimes. Having issues when minimizing/maximizing while playing CS2D in DirectX mode.
EDIT: Please make DirectX the default option instead of OpenGL, OpenGL is way so laggy that is very unplayable. or at least fix the issues with them.
EDIT: Please make DirectX the default option instead of OpenGL, OpenGL is way so laggy that is very unplayable. or at least fix the issues with them.
The only way to play with directx is to disable fullscreen optimizations, otherwise you'll get some weird alt tab bugs.

edited 1×, last 28.11.21 01:36:24 am

Also it's still possible to throw grenades when there are 2 tiles (wall) in diagonal, idk if you know what I mean, but for that you need to aim in a perfect direction. I'll edit this post later with some imgs

This probably won't be fixed. I recommend to not create/use maps with single row diagonal wall tiles unless you enjoy the quirks which come with them.


OpenGL is supposed to be the fastest in other games but in CS2D its the slowest. This is something that applies to all CS2D players including linux players.

scope is local-sided, the player can fake their scope and kill anyone they want with one shot
Also, there was a crash server as soon as you'd join the server it'd crash your client.
Regarding scope:
Not strange or surprising at all. Hacking the scope was always possible and unfortunately will always be possible. It can't be prevented because scoping is a client sided thing and everything in the client can be hacked. Period. We can only make it more difficult but attempts in the past have shown that this doesn't stop hackers for long and therefore isn't worth the effort.

I hotfixed the scrollbar issue with p1 now. Should update automatically on Steam. If you're not using Steam you have manually download the zip and replace the CS2D(.exe) file.
edited 2×, last 28.11.21 11:13:19 pm

The other visual bugs like @
mrc: mentioned the black lines only happen if you have advanced shadows enabled.

Confirmed. This happen in Steam version only.

Pretty cool that there's a new weapon, it's been a looong time since there was a new addition of that type. Thanks

edited 1×, last 01.03.22 12:25:17 pm