Intopic: One of the oldest community of jewish are in Tunisia. They're tunisians and living in the south with their neighbours who are muslims. I NEVER heard any terrorism act between the two communities muslims or jewish we are all living in peace since day 1.
Same shit for Lebanon, christians are living with their brothers muslims in lebanon and I've never fucking heard of terrorism in there between the two communities. Many of the two communities has made families and merged their blood.
Same shit for Lebanon, christians are living with their brothers muslims in lebanon and I've never fucking heard of terrorism in there between the two communities. Many of the two communities has made families and merged their blood.
That is good to hear. At the end of the day, we all need peace, and I like that there are religious groups that are a good example to the rest of us. I may have painted a bit of a harsh picture of religion in general, which is true in some cases but not others (I myself come from a religion and it was probably a net benefit for me as a whole, and helped develop my character and personality in ways they never would have been able to develop on their own), but I am glad that there are places where multiple religions can co-exist peacefully.
Truly, it is not religion that causes the problem. It is incitement/ culture of violence. While religion may have been exploited as reasoning for said violence, it was truly the fault of the people who used it for their own interests. Thanks for the bit of hope and a different view of things from a different part of the world. We all need to try to understand each other better around the world, and sometimes even I myself need to re-assess my position on matters.

Putting characters like charles darwin in school books takes the one who placed it outside the circle of islam, and the government knows this very well. For this reason, government knows that it is an islamic government in name only, but in reality it is not islamic at all, and yet they chose to lie to the public and say that they are muslims only so that the people do not revolt against them.
I don't agree with all of the methods of Charles Darwin, but I do agree with his theory of evolution in general. That is because it has been proven, again and again and again, to be reliably replicated in nature. There are even artificial intelligence models based on the idea of evolution, and they work. Here is a pretty cool video on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SX08NT55YhA.
To deny students the knowledge of the basic principles behind how life forms is to deny them the understanding of the driving force behind anything related to life, which is important knowledge for places it can be applied to, like: business, biology, history, sociology, politics, warfare, strategy, and many other fields. It is simply too useful to not teach.

Just as the european governments claim to be christian while in reality they do not apply any of christ teachings, it is just a dirty game that they play, and completely controlled by jews behind the shadows.
First, the governments themselves have never claimed to be Christian, except maybe the German one (I think someone may have mentioned something about that, and if I remember right they did implement Christian policies), so your assertion is false from the get-go.
Do we have political elites? Yes. Are a small amount of them Jews? Maybe. Are they satanic, evil worshippers of Satan who sodomize kids and perform human sacrifices? No. No, they are not.

One of protocols says that jews must impose a birth control over non jewish nations. And guess what!! birth control policies are applied all over the world today, even in muslim countries. Sometimes it is applied indirectly through some decisions aimed to make marriage more difficult etc.
You are once again cutting away context from facts and reassembling them as you see fit. The fact is, lower birth rate, unless the birth rate is already low, is known to increase quality of life. It is done to some extent in most advanced countries, and has absolutely no correlation with Jews. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_birth_control for knowledge on this. Overall, if you are male (as I assume you are) you should not have any say in these developments. You literally have no capability to give birth, so don't pretend like this concerns you. Women should have their rights the same as anyone else.
Also, how exactly are the laws making marriage more difficult? I am curious to know.

I literally compared one of the most devil protocols to the jewish torah in front of you. I don't know of any evidence might be stronger than this.
Evidence that has nothing to do with either the Torah or The Protocols of Zion would be stronger in every single case. You see, it is a common practice among conspiracy theorists to get their supposed evidence from biblical texts, since they cannot actually get factual evidence in real life. They will scour the religious texts for coincidences in order to attempt to re-affirm their existing views. This is not new, and not the first time a conspiracy theorist has attempted to use religious texts to convince me of something (the previous conspiracy theorist has since realized on his own that he was wrong all along about his theories). This is a well-documented trait common in conspiracy theorists. If you want to convince me, finding actual evidence instead of coincidences found in religious writings would be a start.

I really don't understand why you treat me as your top worst enemy, at least i'm honest and not a liar. If i had the opportunity to conquer europe, i would do it, and i would spread islam in it and make it the official religion. Still better than the jews who occupied europe by lying to the public, spreading atheism, birth control, and other vile satanic methods. An honest enemy is always better than a friend who lies.
First off, I don't treat you like my top worst enemy. This is how I debate with everyone. The reason I may appear as a threat to you is because I have superior arguments that you are unable to prove false, while you present the same type of arguments over and over*. Because I have the capacity to prove you wrong logically, factually, and morally I will, and I will excel at it because your arguments are so fraught with faulty logic that it is comically simple to disprove them. If you set yourself up in a perfect position to be taken down is it my fault it was so easy? To be fair, I was trying to spare your feelings and I had set myself one goal: to not completely annihilate you with logic. I couldn't even accomplish my single set goal of not winning an argument to such an extreme amount that you would take it personal, so my bad (though it was not really my fault you came up with such faulty ideas to begin with). If you want me to go easy I could intentionally make my arguments less coherent in order to communicate on your level.
*Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Also, how did Jews 'occupy' Europe? Did you forget that Jews existed in Europe to begin with?
Also, your last statement. I don't quite follow the logic.
Situation 1, Honest Enemy:
Enemy: I will kill you
(enemy stabs you, you die)
Situation 2, Friend who Lies:
Friend: I will kill you
You: Please don't
Friend: Just kidding. I lied.
(friend does not stab you, you live)
Yeah, in some cases an honest enemy would be less dangerous than a friend who lies, but definitely not always. Especially if it is a friend who lies for your benefit.

at least i'm honest and not a liar. If i had the opportunity to conquer europe, i would do it, and i would spread islam in it and make it the official religion.
That doesn't make you a liar, but it does make you a terrible person if you think such an act would be morally justifiable in any way, shape, or form.

It became a trend hundreds of years ago, culminating in Nazism.
I was talking about the act of hating Jews, but you appear to have been too obsessed with your conspiracy theory to realize I was addressing a completely different topic.