Clan Name: in.Qtrl# / in Qontrol
Clan Leader: Diamond
Total Members: 7
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting
Country of Origin: Australia/New Zealand
Other Information:
• Professional hard-style gamers.
• Think you can beat us? War us!
• Includes the one and only Diamond.
• We have 4 professional Australian servers. Wow, after the pwned Kc website (hacked) Diamond wont quit. That's the spirit.
lol crasy
he deserved it for all the stupid thing do , i would now like to know where your arrogance
SANTER has written
lol crasy
he deserved it for all the stupid thing do , i would now like to know where your arrogance

What's with the 'arrogance'? I would reply but then I'd get an off-topic violation, which I don't want.
So, inQontrol, huh? Not bad... you created another forum on the same host (Invision) with the same redirection I hope Diamond doesn't do any shit, because this website may go to the hackers' garbage can (if you know what I mean) like the other did... watch your back! Clan Name: Nexmann
Clan Leader: Nexmann
Total Members: 3
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting
Other Information: We are maked at the 25.10.2010
Country of Origin: Germany Nexmann has written
Clan Name: Nexmann
Clan Leader: Nexmann
Total Members: 3
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting
Other Information: We are maked at the 25.10.2010
Country of Origin: Germany
Why did you copy my websites theme...
the draftcity forums theme.
I can see tht you are registed there and...
you just copyed the theme.
I hate ppl like you.
Cant find theyr own style -.- If the theme wasn't created by you and is not copyright to you, it isn't yours. nice edited 1×, last 17.07.11 10:41:43 pm
CoolioG has written
If the theme wasn't created by you and is not copyright to you, it isn't yours.
i know, but still... why does he have to copy me?
Ima gona try to find another theme -.- Clan Name:G.o.L|
Clan Leader:Unstoppable
Total Members:100
Clan Website:-----
Recruiting or not Recruiting: recruting
Other Information:Maked at 3.12.2009
Country of Origin Clan Name: ß¡øn¡¢lë»
Clan Leader: ß¡øn¡¢lë»
Clan Co Leaders: ßrµnøPa¢Man, Ðrøgadø
Clan Website:
Country Of Origin: Brazil
Other Info: Admin/mod comment
I deleted the "Other info" text, because it was not english. /TheKilledDeath Clan Name: sD* , Soul Deception
Clan Leader(s): Piral
ViceClan Leader(s):C-Dawg
Total Members: 49
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: 
Country of Origin: U.K
Other Information : We are an International Clan,
[sD* | [name] | [rank] ] are our in-game initials
However , you must follow these rules to proceed on joining us:
-> If you speak fairly good English, so we wouldn't have Communication problems
-> Invites must be approved by our CL , Piral
-> Register on our website, and post information about you, and why you want to join us.
edited 2×, last 30.10.10 06:08:00 pm
i need help not with scripting but i have a problem each time i use a sticked image on a player i receive attempt to call a nil value without any information about that error.if anyone have same problem and fixed it can plz tell me how?
thx Admin/mod comment
That's TOTALLY off topic. /TheKilledDeath Clan Name: »LëG¡Øñ§«
Clan Leader: FuckZin
Total Members: 4
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: yes
Other Information: The new Clan of CS2D
Country of Origin: Brazil / South America
Clan Name: Nexmann
Clan Leader: Nexmann
Total Members: 4
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes
Other Information: We are a new Clan from CS2D
Country of Origin: Germany Clan Name: Draft
Clan Leader: M@tt and PartyPooPer
Total Members: 30
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting. everybody
is free to join
Country of Origin: England.
Other Information:
Our RP server:
Clan Name: TGW
Clan Leader: sunny (SunnyAutumn)
Total Members: 3 (was 8 before move to ucoz)
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting
Country of Origin: Estonia