
bokoko has written
there are so many clans right
Over 100. I'd say that's a lot for CS2D over the years.
Insane has written
|Kc| Diamond hackS??
I saw him playing with speed hack :S

I saw him playing with speed hack :S
No real member of |Kc| hacks. Ever heard of fucking imposters?

Circa has written
No real member of |Kc| hacks. Ever heard of fucking imposters?
Insane has written
|Kc| Diamond hackS??
I saw him playing with speed hack :S

I saw him playing with speed hack :S
No real member of |Kc| hacks. Ever heard of fucking imposters?

This is called retribution, most of any of these claims have any credence to back them up but remember, he did destroy yet another clan and you should be thankful that it's not targeted towards your clan instead. Just remember, one day he's going to piss off a clan that's not as forgiving as we or Rain are, and that's when they'll be going after your clan.
pwn4g3 has written
Man, can we plz stop talkking about diamond we all know he is a hacker but plz stay on topic...(not trying to sound like a admin and not pretending to be and admin REDEMPTION X! )
Spam and Admin are 2 different things kiddo.
leegao has written
This is called retribution, most of any of these claims have any credence to back them up but remember, he did destroy yet another clan and you should be thankful that it's not targeted towards your clan instead. Just remember, one day he's going to piss off a clan that's not as forgiving as we or Rain are, and that's when they'll be going after your clan.
Circa has written
No real member of |Kc| hacks. Ever heard of fucking imposters?
Insane has written
|Kc| Diamond hackS??
I saw him playing with speed hack :S

I saw him playing with speed hack :S
No real member of |Kc| hacks. Ever heard of fucking imposters?

This is called retribution, most of any of these claims have any credence to back them up but remember, he did destroy yet another clan and you should be thankful that it's not targeted towards your clan instead. Just remember, one day he's going to piss off a clan that's not as forgiving as we or Rain are, and that's when they'll be going after your clan.
I was meaning it toward CS2D hacking, not forum or any other type of hacking.
Clan Name: Kill Control
Clan Leader: Diamond
Total Members: 10
Clan Recruiting: Recruiting
Clan Website:
Other Information: 17 Wins : 1 Loss
Country Of Origin: Australia / United States

edited 4×, last 31.01.09 01:29:18 am
Clan Name: toXic | Gaming Clan
Clan Leader: Xion
Total Members: 15
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting, only for waitlist.
Other Information: International clan; having members all around the world.
Country of Origin: USA
Clan Name: l CS-ProGamer l
Clan Leader: MANI3K339
Total Members: 7
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting, only for waitlist.
Other Information: Polish clan for proffesional gamers.
Country of Origin: POLAND [/quote]
Clan Leader: An0n
Total Members: 10 and rising.
Recruiting: Yes, via application and acceptance.
Other information: mild continuation of rain clan.
Country of Origin: Australia
clan site:
Co-Leader: Lycan
Clan Leader : Elit3
Clan Vice-Leader : AWP_king
Total Members : 4 and recruiting
Others Information : Active , Recruiting