
Haris8 has written
LOL @ Diamond changing IP's, etc.
Diamond no offense but your pretty much the stupid dumbass here, you record yourself killing NEWBS and AFKERS, and you call yourself pro? Kiss my huge hairy balls.
ILLECTRO, you jump from clan to clan, like a hooker that jumps from man to man.
Diamond stop changing IP's, you got banned, face it, just stfu and don't post as "Guest" that says "Diamond will win against ILLECTRO blablabla" because everyone knows thats you, being a fan of yourself.
ILLECTRO stop hopping from clan to clan, like a hooker hops frm dick to dick.
I rest my case.
Diamond no offense but your pretty much the stupid dumbass here, you record yourself killing NEWBS and AFKERS, and you call yourself pro? Kiss my huge hairy balls.
ILLECTRO, you jump from clan to clan, like a hooker that jumps from man to man.
Diamond stop changing IP's, you got banned, face it, just stfu and don't post as "Guest" that says "Diamond will win against ILLECTRO blablabla" because everyone knows thats you, being a fan of yourself.
ILLECTRO stop hopping from clan to clan, like a hooker hops frm dick to dick.
I rest my case.
Lol I find it hilarious how you think you can jump into others peoples conversations / problems. You also like repeated the same shit twice
which made no sense to me at all...
LaG has written
I heard u go around calling yourself the best Australian player.
I doubt that he would be doing that if he wasn't the best Australian player, which he is. Half of you people don't know him, so stop fucking judging everyone.
edited 2×, last 19.02.09 01:40:20 am
LMAO! and wheres his fucking proof?
I can go around and tell I'm the best skilled player
from the Netherlands, but no I don't got proof.
Maybe there is a player in ausstralia that is better then you, but just doesn't join communities and never plays on the servers YOU play on, so you would of never seen him, even if you play CS2D alot.
You can't fucking go around telling your the best
Also, funny how D1am0nd does this all:

Funny, a "nerd" would do exactly the list above, and that's exactly what YOU do D1amond, so shut the fuck up you sad nerd. I wonder who this "Scream" guy is, probably ANOTHER account made by D1amond, and changes his IP again, as always. He got banned on unrealsoftware forums, so that's enough reason he's not liked by the CS2D community, he's a faggot, and we all know it.
Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Celebrity of CS2D? LOL. I'm out of this discussion, poor kid D1amond is gonna hack this forum like he done with TGF forum because he gets pissed off, like the NERD he is.
Haris8 has written
Hahaha, DiaMoNd "the best aussie player" ??
LMAO! and wheres his fucking proof?
I can go around and tell I'm the best skilled player
from the Netherlands, but no I don't got proof.
Maybe there is a player in ausstralia that is better then you, but just doesn't join communities and never plays on the servers YOU play on, so you would of never seen him, even if you play CS2D alot.
You can't fucking go around telling your the best
Also, funny how D1am0nd does this all:
Hack websites (like TGV forums)
Kill AFKers and newbies
Call himself the best of a country
Changes IP the whole time
Changes names the whole (Ecstacy, AnimA, etc)
Says that others act tough on internet
Calls us nerds
Funny, a "nerd" would do exactly the list above, and that's exactly what YOU do D1amond, so shut the fuck up you sad nerd. I wonder who this "Scream" guy is, probably ANOTHER account made by D1amond, and changes his IP again, as always. He got banned on unrealsoftware forums, so that's enough reason he's not liked by the CS2D community, he's a faggot, and we all know it.
Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Celebrity of CS2D? LOL. I'm out of this discussion, poor kid D1amond is gonna hack this forum like he done with TGF forum because he gets pissed off, like the NERD he is.
LMAO! and wheres his fucking proof?
I can go around and tell I'm the best skilled player
from the Netherlands, but no I don't got proof.
Maybe there is a player in ausstralia that is better then you, but just doesn't join communities and never plays on the servers YOU play on, so you would of never seen him, even if you play CS2D alot.
You can't fucking go around telling your the best
Also, funny how D1am0nd does this all:

Funny, a "nerd" would do exactly the list above, and that's exactly what YOU do D1amond, so shut the fuck up you sad nerd. I wonder who this "Scream" guy is, probably ANOTHER account made by D1amond, and changes his IP again, as always. He got banned on unrealsoftware forums, so that's enough reason he's not liked by the CS2D community, he's a faggot, and we all know it.
Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Celebrity of CS2D? LOL. I'm out of this discussion, poor kid D1amond is gonna hack this forum like he done with TGF forum because he gets pissed off, like the NERD he is.
Haris, You're a sad noob, and Diamond isn't Ecstasy nor AnimA, b/c I was AnimA and Ecstasy is his brother, and he can prove it and he already has proven it.
Haris, I've never seen you play in CS2D, by your attitude, I'm guessing that you're better than all of us here... You really have some anger issues that you might want to try and work out... It's getting annoying.
Haris, You're pretty retarded, DC banned his account on the forums, not his I.P. address, so he can still get on the forums as a guest...
Haris, if there was one server and one server only, with newbies in it and some of them were AFK and u were bored to death, I'm pretty sure that you would go around killing them as well...
Haris, he calls himself the best of aussie because he is the best of aussie, there is not one player from aussie that plays better than Diamond, need proof? Go find all the aussie players that currently play CS2D and let Diamond 1 on 1 them, reslut, 99% sure Diamond will win all.
Haris, he calls u all nerds? Well why? Because u are nerds, we all are, deal with it. U take little stuff to be very offensive, it's pretty hilarious.
Oh and Diamond is a noob Haris?
Haris, I'm pretty sure that you're the real noob here.

Haris8 has written
Also, funny how D1am0nd does this all:
1. Changes names the whole (Ecstacy, AnimA, etc)
2. Kill AFKers and newbies
3. Call himself the best of a country (Australia)
1. Changes names the whole (Ecstacy, AnimA, etc)
2. Kill AFKers and newbies
3. Call himself the best of a country (Australia)
1. I don't know why people still F***i** think that I'm Diamond, and I don't really care.
Most skilled players in cs2d are already aware that Diamond and I are separate people.
If I were Diamond, then how come I'm in [TGV]?
Do you think lee or Aj would let Diamond be in the clan after what he done?
So I don't really give a shit what you think.
just STFU! and stop causing more flame..
2. If there in the server AFK they have to be killed to finish the damn round.
Is it Diamond's or anyone else;s fault that some players are crapper then others? and If there is someone AFK then they should either move to spec or quit the server!
3. Well I know that he is the best of Australia, I have seen most, if not all the aussie players in cs2d. If there was anyone better I would have seen them play.
I'm the only Australian even close to beating him, and if any Aussie thinks he/she is better then they should ask for a 1 vs 1.
Enough of this flame please..
I hope DC will delete all of these flame posts..
edited 3×, last 19.02.09 08:45:21 am
I have seen alot of pathetic and retarded people around the internet, but what you are doing is seriously killing me from laughing, your faggotry makes me laugh.
First of all, you back up someone who is disliked by the whole CS2D communtiy for alot of reasons.
Also, your forum-account nickname doesn't exactly mean that it's the same name you use in-game, that's just what your mentally retarded brain assumes, I don't go with the name Haris8 in-game, second of all, this is not even my account, it's my friend's account but he quit playing CS2D so I can use it.
Now, let's see, who's more pathetic, me or D1amond?
D1amond changes IP's the whole time, to avoid being spotted with other accounts/guest posts etc.
I don't.
D1amond claims to be the best aussie player, how more ignorant can you be? How do you know your the best?
Do you know every single person that lives in Australia?
LOL! No. You don't know every single person that lives in Australia, and who plays CS2D, thus you cannot claim your the best, but you CAN claim you are the most retarded guy from Australia, and not to mention ignorant and selfish.
I don't claim I am the best of the Netherlands.
D1amond hacks websites, this is the lowest you can go, this is the most pathetic thing you can do, hack pages.
It shows how low D1amond goes to achieve his cause, like the filthy nerd he is, I bet he doesn't have any friends. He hacked TGV forums, that's very poor from "the best aussie player".
I don't hack webpages.
D1amond pussies out from Clanwars with REAL
clans. No wonder [Kc] (Kitty Cats) have 17 wins and 1 loss, you pussies only fight newb clans, but refuse to fight a good clan like ACID, Storm, UsK, sC, etc. Shows how much of a pussy faggot D1amond is.
I don't pussy out from challenges.
There are plenty of more reasons why D1amond is a pathetic waste of space. The CS2D community doesn't like you, get cancer already.
And Scream, if that is your real name
*cough, D1amond changing IP's and accounts, cough*
stop backing up his ass because you only play CS2D for like a month or 5 or just a year, I've seen CS2D grow and I've been there since the legendary clan KiNG, now stfu.
Now I have better things to do, like record myself killing afkers and newbies and name myself the BEST dutch player in CS2D, and hack webpages and be a nerd on the internet, rather then talk about D1amond.
Plus, I don't give like 1 fuck as to who you are or when the fuck you started playing, and {KiNg} legendary? Please bro, go look up the definition of legendary and actually learn what it is before you say something or someone is / are legendary. Lol, another thing that makes me laugh about {KiNg} is how they reacted toward |Kc| having the same clan tag as them. It showed how childish some of those noobs were by making a complete lame argument over a clan tag, I mean please, give me 1 clan that doesn't have a similar clan tag to another lmao?
Dude honestly, you're just a useless piece of shit, it shows how fucking stupid you are by repeating the same shit over and over and over again in like 5 different posts? Go back to school and try to actually pass kindergarten to at least have a small proportion of brains.
And if you honestly think that Diamond is disliked by everyone, he's not. Diamond is not disliked by anyone whatsoever except those who are complete noobs that only have respect for themselves and no one else. People like yourself.
Haris8 has written
Get cancer already.
That was some pretty lame bullshit to say over a game, just hope that it doesn't come back to bite you in the ass.
Haris8 has written
You only played CS2D for like a month or 5 or just a year.
Yea, like 1.5 years, and I still have more skill than you will ever have bro. I'm honestly done with this shit, you can't win, you're more pathetic than anyone else on this forum.

You wish you could beat me, you think you can beat someone who played for 3 and a half years? Dude, your a moron, I've seen CS2D grow, you just joined when CS2D was old, your the newbcake here.
And I'm not going to argue with newbcakes, it's like argueing with a spoiled child or a hooker that doesn't get payed, cry me a river Scream. I'm done.

And before I go, I'd like to say this to Scream before he opens his mouth:
edited 1×, last 19.02.09 07:29:02 am
Haris8 has written
I have seen alot of pathetic and retarded people around the internet, but what you are doing is seriously killing me from laughing, your faggotry makes me laugh.
First of all, you back up someone who is disliked by the whole CS2D communtiy for alot of reasons.
Also, your forum-account nickname doesn't exactly mean that it's the same name you use in-game, that's just what your mentally retarded brain assumes, I don't go with the name Haris8 in-game, second of all, this is not even my account, it's my friend's account but he quit playing CS2D so I can use it.
Now, let's see, who's more pathetic, me or D1amond?
D1amond changes IP's the whole time, to avoid being spotted with other accounts/guest posts etc.
I don't.
D1amond claims to be the best aussie player, how more ignorant can you be? How do you know your the best?
Do you know every single person that lives in Australia?
LOL! No. You don't know every single person that lives in Australia, and who plays CS2D, thus you cannot claim your the best, but you CAN claim you are the most retarded guy from Australia, and not to mention ignorant and selfish.
I don't claim I am the best of the Netherlands.
D1amond hacks websites, this is the lowest you can go, this is the most pathetic thing you can do, hack pages.
It shows how low D1amond goes to achieve his cause, like the filthy nerd he is, I bet he doesn't have any friends. He hacked TGV forums, that's very poor from "the best aussie player".
I don't hack webpages.
D1amond pussies out from Clanwars with REAL
clans. No wonder [Kc] (Kitty Cats) have 17 wins and 1 loss, you pussies only fight newb clans, but refuse to fight a good clan like ACID, Storm, UsK, sC, etc. Shows how much of a pussy faggot D1amond is.
I don't pussy out from challenges.
There are plenty of more reasons why D1amond is a pathetic waste of space. The CS2D community doesn't like you, get cancer already.
And Scream, if that is your real name
*cough, D1amond changing IP's and accounts, cough*
stop backing up his ass because you only play CS2D for like a month or 5 or just a year, I've seen CS2D grow and I've been there since the legendary clan KiNG, now stfu.
Now I have better things to do, like record myself killing afkers and newbies and name myself the BEST dutch player in CS2D, and hack webpages and be a nerd on the internet, rather then talk about D1amond.
I have seen alot of pathetic and retarded people around the internet, but what you are doing is seriously killing me from laughing, your faggotry makes me laugh.
First of all, you back up someone who is disliked by the whole CS2D communtiy for alot of reasons.
Also, your forum-account nickname doesn't exactly mean that it's the same name you use in-game, that's just what your mentally retarded brain assumes, I don't go with the name Haris8 in-game, second of all, this is not even my account, it's my friend's account but he quit playing CS2D so I can use it.
Now, let's see, who's more pathetic, me or D1amond?
D1amond changes IP's the whole time, to avoid being spotted with other accounts/guest posts etc.
I don't.
D1amond claims to be the best aussie player, how more ignorant can you be? How do you know your the best?
Do you know every single person that lives in Australia?
LOL! No. You don't know every single person that lives in Australia, and who plays CS2D, thus you cannot claim your the best, but you CAN claim you are the most retarded guy from Australia, and not to mention ignorant and selfish.
I don't claim I am the best of the Netherlands.
D1amond hacks websites, this is the lowest you can go, this is the most pathetic thing you can do, hack pages.
It shows how low D1amond goes to achieve his cause, like the filthy nerd he is, I bet he doesn't have any friends. He hacked TGV forums, that's very poor from "the best aussie player".
I don't hack webpages.
D1amond pussies out from Clanwars with REAL
clans. No wonder [Kc] (Kitty Cats) have 17 wins and 1 loss, you pussies only fight newb clans, but refuse to fight a good clan like ACID, Storm, UsK, sC, etc. Shows how much of a pussy faggot D1amond is.
I don't pussy out from challenges.
There are plenty of more reasons why D1amond is a pathetic waste of space. The CS2D community doesn't like you, get cancer already.
And Scream, if that is your real name
*cough, D1amond changing IP's and accounts, cough*
stop backing up his ass because you only play CS2D for like a month or 5 or just a year, I've seen CS2D grow and I've been there since the legendary clan KiNG, now stfu.
Now I have better things to do, like record myself killing afkers and newbies and name myself the BEST dutch player in CS2D, and hack webpages and be a nerd on the internet, rather then talk about D1amond.
lol Kitty cats
it's a database thread not a thread for discussions. thanks.
I'll ban people for discussing in this thread in future.
Clan Name: .#ThE aTTaX
Clan Leader: -K-
Vice Leader: Psy
Total Members: 5
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: yes
Country of Orign: Germany
Other Information: 3 Servers and a personal trainer for the recruits.
Clan Leader: Lithium
Total Members: 3
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: yes
Country of Orign: Australia
Other Information: Asian Clan but..recruiting everyone in the world. We only Reacruit high Skilled Player.
edited 6×, last 01.03.09 06:45:18 am
edited 1×, last 22.02.09 03:15:10 am
please add a logo for the off peak clan

edited 1×, last 22.02.09 06:07:46 am
the clan has gone down =(, no one wants to join, so im closing it