CS2D General How do you make a map ''briefing'' ? How do you make a map ''briefing'' ?
4 replies when you join a map, lets say de_Dust you see
story and mission of Terrorist and CT and stuff..
How do you do that wwith your own made map
in editor?
Thanx DC Admin Offline
you don't need the editor to do this.
just open the "maps"-folder and create a txt-file with the name of your map. open it, write your briefing and save. Ehm.. When i make map and its done i save it and i test it it says Map error. What i do? DC Admin Offline
open the console to see whats wrong.
probably you forgot to set t and ct spawnpoints (info_t and info_ct) OMG... Im so stupid. I forgot Ts and Cts