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old My computer gone crazy.

User Off Offline

My computer gone crazy.
When my brother stopped playing Battlefield Vietnam something happened...
Some dots like coloured noise started to appear on some places...firstly i thought something with the monitor is going...And when i restarted my computer...
Things went firewall turned of by itself.
And everything become 10 times slower than asit was.
When i lounched one game it it says something about the graphics or something i dk but nothing works thought.I don't know what to do...if i have to preinstall my computer many things will be deleted and i really willl nedd about a week to revive them
Please tell me what's with my computer...

PS:I chat from my sister computer so don't ask me how am i postings this.

PSS:My brother didn't bother nothing other ,only played please no shit like "your brother done something".

PSSS:If i buy a new monitor will i have to preinstall my machine?

Please help me.

old Re: My computer gone crazy.

User Off Offline

For the worst possible case, check your system for malware.
Concerning the graphics problems, I would recommend reinstalling the graphics driver. That doesn't mean you have to reinstall your whole operating system, so there should be no data loss this way.

old Re: My computer gone crazy.

Flying Lizard
User Off Offline

btw, it's reinstall, not preinstall.
pre means "before something"
And no, when you buy a new monitor you don't have to "preinstall" you computer.

old Re: My computer gone crazy.

User On Online

Flying Lizard has written
And no, when you buy a new monitor you don't have to "preinstall" you computer.
oh yes, you have, if you not want to be in bios mode all the time

but you don'T have to reinstall anything, perhaps monitor drivers, but thats very unusual^^

old Re: My computer gone crazy.

User Off Offline

TheKilledDeath has written
Flying Lizard has written
And no, when you buy a new monitor you don't have to "preinstall" you computer.
oh yes, you have, if you not want to be in bios mode all the time

but you don'T have to reinstall anything, perhaps monitor drivers, but thats very unusual^^

That's complete bullshit. First of all, the monitor doesn't have anything to do with the BIOS, it could, if at all, only affect the actual operating system.
Secondly, there are no such things as "monitor drivers", only graphics card drivers. And again, the monitor has very little influence on the graphics card. (It might be the other way round, though)

old Re: My computer gone crazy.

Redemption XYZ

HW has written
TheKilledDeath has written
Flying Lizard has written
And no, when you buy a new monitor you don't have to "preinstall" you computer.
oh yes, you have, if you not want to be in bios mode all the time

but you don'T have to reinstall anything, perhaps monitor drivers, but thats very unusual^^

That's complete bullshit. First of all, the monitor doesn't have anything to do with the BIOS, it could, if at all, only affect the actual operating system.
Secondly, there are no such things as "monitor drivers", only graphics card drivers. And again, the monitor has very little influence on the graphics card. (It might be the other way round, though)

LOL Monitor Drivers and yes the monitor has nothing to do with the computer most of the time. Are you sure your brother didnt hit anything like "Lock Web items on Desktop" or something?

old Re: My computer gone crazy.

User On Online

HW has written
TheKilledDeath has written
FlyingLizard has written
And no, when you buy a new monitor you don't have to "preinstall" you computer.
oh yes, you have, if you not want to be in bios mode all the time big eyes

but you don'T have to reinstall anything, perhaps monitor drivers, but thats very unusualjoy

That's complete bullshit. First of all, the monitor doesn't have anything to do with the BIOS, it could, if at all, only affect the actual operating system.
Secondly, there are no such things as "monitor drivers", only graphics card drivers. And again, the monitor has very little influence on the graphics card. (It might be the other way round, though)

it was meant that if he has nothing preinstalled on his system, so also no OS, he can only go to BIOS with his monitor. you have to have a OS preinstalled. that was the sense of my answere

old Re: My computer gone crazy.

User Off Offline

Well, then I understand what you meant. But it should be obvious that he didn't mean "preinstall" but "reinstall". Besides, if he'd be ok with only having his BIOS before switching monitors, it wouldn't be much different after a monitor switch.

old Re: My computer gone crazy.

User Off Offline

oh great.
Seems like something was wrong with the video card...
Now they putted a "double" better card instead...
How cool!Even my games lags like hell with the new and cool video card.Shit

EDIT: It's called ATI and it's icon is red and white letters...
Is this card a shit and shall i change it?
edited 1×, last 10.04.08 06:43:00 pm

old Re: My computer gone crazy.

User On Online

ATI is only the producer. ATI makes good graphic cards, but the old ones of them are.... old we should know the real name and things like RAM or something like this

old Easy!

User Off Offline

There is a very easy way ! Just ! SYSTEM RESTORE !
Go To The Day When Your Computer Is Fixed !

WARNING : Save Your Files Or Be Lost For Eternity

Sorry For My Bad English
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