CS2D General [CS2Dmax] Map Transfer Video[CS2Dmax] Map Transfer Video
38 repliesEnjoy!
GUI 10/10
You can change Upload (kb/s)?
You can change grenade fly range?
1 bug in flash, you see text (say) and pointer - its bad
Gast has written
GUI 10/10
You can change Upload (kb/s)?
You can change grenade fly range?
1 bug in flash, you see text (say) and pointer - its bad
GUI 10/10
You can change Upload (kb/s)?
You can change grenade fly range?
1 bug in flash, you see text (say) and pointer - its bad
yes, you can change the upload rate (delay between two packets in millisecs) and the size of each packet in byte. the speed is set to a low value in the video in order to show the transfer.
yes, the distance now depends on the distance of your cursor/crosshair to the player when throwing a grenade
about the flash thingy: yes you see the whole interface. I think its better this way. its not a bug.
the flashbang dont hide the chat...
if the radar is solid, the flash dont hide...
if the radar is transparent, the flash hide...
the flash dont hide the cursor/crosshair...
make a option for smoke quality:
gray - best looking, slowest
white - medium quality
black - worst looking, fastest
its better if you can hold the grenade in ur hand
while you are pressing the mouse1 button...
but you still with this "rule" of the pointer distance...
very nice...
max 5 phrases in the screen at same time...
do u make a new one, in game, like cs3d?
sorry for my critics hehe, but u still dont over, dont u?
Marcio has written
dot make a option for smoke quality:
gray - best looking, slowest
white - medium quality
black - worst looking, fastest
dot make a option for smoke quality:
gray - best looking, slowest
white - medium quality
black - worst looking, fastest
This can cause cheats. In CS1.6 for expample, a friend of mine can look through smoke because he put the smoke on worst with a bad graphics card, and now the card doesn't show the smoke, he can look through it.
Marcio has written
[flash hide thing]
the flashbang dont hide the chat...
if the radar is solid, the flash dont hide...
if the radar is transparent, the flash hide...
the flash dont hide the cursor/crosshair...
the flashbang dont hide the chat...
if the radar is solid, the flash dont hide...
if the radar is transparent, the flash hide...
the flash dont hide the cursor/crosshair...
If u are blind (real), u see radar,pinnule ? (look cs:s)
it could be that you mean if youre flashed!
Guest has written
If u are blind (real), u see radar,pinnule ? (look cs:s)
Marcio has written
[flash hide thing]
the flashbang dont hide the chat...
if the radar is solid, the flash dont hide...
if the radar is transparent, the flash hide...
the flash dont hide the cursor/crosshair...
the flashbang dont hide the chat...
if the radar is solid, the flash dont hide...
if the radar is transparent, the flash hide...
the flash dont hide the cursor/crosshair...
If u are blind (real), u see radar,pinnule ? (look cs:s)
this is not cs:s, this is cs2d
But I saw you spelt something wrong in the video, I commented on YouTube about it.
And hey, does CS2D Max really run partly with Macromedia Flash? w00t? or did I heard wrong?
KimKat has written
And hey, does CS2D Max really run partly with Macromedia Flash? w00t? or did I heard wrong?
LMAO. no thats absurd. you heard it wrong. pretty funny idea anyway...
and yes, adobe bought macromedia some time ago. it's not longer called macromedia flash.
the player isnt 100% centered in the screen:
7 tiles
10 tiles <- player -> 9 tiles
7 tiles
this is not a suggestion to fix it, just a question...