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English Maps for CS2D Max

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old closed Maps for CS2D Max


Ok, seriously, we are all excited about CS2D Max and we want it to come out as quick as possible BUT we don't want DC to finish it quickly with alot of bugs, etc.
So I have a solution, and I hope DC will agree with this.
Before I go to the point, I know DC has said before that he works alone and nobody helps him, and I assume that's what he wants, but before you delete/close/disagree with this topic, I hope that you think clearly about what I'm trying to organize, it's something that will help you. It's something that won't bother you because your still working alone BUT with the community helping YOU out. So please think twice about this, DC. And I hope you will agree with this.
Now, to the point:

I wan't to start a project which will save alot of time for DC, and which will not (I hope) bother DC in any sort of way. I want YOU to make maps for the upcoming CS2D Max, and not just normal maps, I want to see some incredible maps, as example you can take a look at |jUSTiN|'s awesome maps. I want YOU to think that YOUR map is going to be as good and succesfull as de_dust! Making such a map will take alot of time, but it's worth it in the end. Do NOT make a sucky map
which only took about a couple of minutes to make which you know nobody will play. This topic is serious, and I don't want sucky maps to interfer with it.
Now, when your map is done, you post it in THIS
topic with a ''form'' you have to fill (I'll explain later).
Now, when CS2D Max is done but DC only needs to create some maps or edit some of the default maps, he can simply look up to this topic and download and check out the maps that we have made, and 99% put them into the game, assuming that YOU spend ALOT of time on your map and that it simply rocks. You might think:
''DC can just download and check out maps in FPSBanana or in the Custom maps & stuff thread'',
yes that's true but notice that in those places there are maps which just suck, because it doesn't say you must have a good map which you spend alot of time in it, and it will be probably a hard time for DC to spend time in because he needs to overlook the sucky maps to find some awesome maps, so that's why I made this topic to allow ONLY GOOD MAPS which YOU think that will be implemented into CS2D Max!! To contribute to this project, you must fill this form regarding your map:
(copy & paste and fill the questions)

What kind of map?
[ ] Dm_map
[ ] De_map
[ ] Cs_map
[ ] As_map
[ ] Fy_map
[ ] Other

How big is the map?
[ ] Tiny
[ ] Small
[ ] Medium
[ ] Big
[ ] Huge

How many players recommended?
[ ] 1 VS 1
[ ] 2 VS 2
[ ] 3 VS 3
[ ] 4 VS 4
[ ] 5 VS 5
[ ] 6 VS 6
[ ] 7 VS 7
[ ] 8 VS 8
[ ] 9 VS 9
[ ] 10 VS 10
[ ] Higher

Does it have weapons laying on the ground?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

Does it allow to buy stuff?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

Does it start off with a Glock/USP?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

Anything you want to say about it?
[ ] Yes: [something you want to say about your map]
[ ] No

Ok, so I hope you got that! And I hope you contribute!
And afcourse I hope DC agrees with this!

old Re: Maps for CS2D Max


EDIT: And afcourse, don't forget to put your link to download the map!

old Re: Maps for CS2D Max


Just an example how to fill the form for anyone who's confused out there:

[link to download the map here]

What kind of map?
[ ] Dm_map
[X] De_map
[ ] Cs_map
[ ] As_map
[ ] Fy_map
[ ] Other

How big is the map?
[ ] Tiny
[ ] Small
[ ] Medium
[X] Big
[ ] Huge

How many players recommended?
[ ] 1 VS 1
[ ] 2 VS 2
[ ] 3 VS 3
[ ] 4 VS 4
[ ] 5 VS 5
[X] 6 VS 6
[ ] 7 VS 7
[ ] 8 VS 8
[ ] 9 VS 9
[ ] 10 VS 10
[ ] Higher

Does it have weapons laying on the ground?
[ ] Yes
[X] No

Does it allow to buy stuff?
[X] Yes
[ ] No

Does it start off with a Glock/USP?
[X] Yes
[ ] No

Anything you want to say about it?
[X] Yes: My map takes place in Africa!
[ ] No

old Re: Maps for CS2D Max

User Off Offline

Well, I made two...
de_cbble_max and de_cpl_mill...
de_dust, Bockwurst was creating, but he disappear...

old Re: Maps for CS2D Max


Marcio has written
Well, I made two...
de_cbble_max and de_cpl_mill...
de_dust, Bockwurst was creating, but he disappear...

Well then fill in the form! I've played those 2 maps and I think they are great.

old Re: Maps for CS2D Max

User Off Offline

you don't have to fill in such a big form if you can write this also in this way:
Kind of map: de_
Who big: small

and so on... then the posts would be smaller, so somebody really reads them!

old Re: Maps for CS2D Max


TheKilledDeath has written
you don't have to fill in such a big form if you can write this also in this way:
Kind of map: de_
Who big: small

and so on... then the posts would be smaller, so somebody really reads them!

Oh so you made this topic? No, you don't.

old Re: Maps for CS2D Max

Admin Off Offline

I'm not going to put many maps in the normal cs2d download in order to keep its size small and this thread just doesn't work as it is intended obviously.

furthermore don't forget that there will be a maptransfer function in cs2d max which should spread good maps. its a simple principle:
people join a server and download a new map. now they either like it or they don't like it. if they don't like it they will never select this map on their on server. but if they like it they might use this map on their server and now even more people will download it and maybe these people will host it too... and so on.

old Re: Maps for CS2D Max


DC has written
I'm not going to put many maps in the normal cs2d download in order to keep its size small and this thread just doesn't work as it is intended obviously.

furthermore don't forget that there will be a maptransfer function in cs2d max which should spread good maps. its a simple principle:
people join a server and download a new map. now they either like it or they don't like it. if they don't like it they will never select this map on their on server. but if they like it they might use this map on their server and now even more people will download it and maybe these people will host it too... and so on.

I have a question: If I make a map with lets say the name; de_blablabla, and I see another person with the SAME map name but another map itself.. what happens if I enter a server with de_blablabla while I made a map myself which name is de_blablabla itself TOO.

And it actually doesn't matter if you look at like this;
Would you make maps BEFORE CS2D Max or AFTER CS2D Max is released? I guess most will choose the first option.

Anyway, since Marcio hasn't released de_cbbl_max
and assuming he does want to, I will do it for him

What kind of map?
[ ] Dm_map
[X] De_map
[ ] Cs_map
[ ] As_map
[ ] Fy_map
[ ] Other

How big is the map?
[ ] Tiny
[ ] Small
[ ] Medium
[X] Big
[ ] Huge

How many players recommended?
[ ] 1 VS 1
[ ] 2 VS 2
[ ] 3 VS 3
[ ] 4 VS 4
[ ] 5 VS 5
[ ] 6 VS 6
[ ] 7 VS 7
[ ] 8 VS 8
[ ] 9 VS 9
[ ] 10 VS 10
[X] Higher

Does it have weapons laying on the ground?
[ ] Yes
[X] No

Does it allow to buy stuff?
[X] Yes
[ ] No

Does it start off with a Glock/USP?
[X] Yes
[ ] No

Anything you want to say about it?
[X] Yes: There's lots of open spaced, so alot of players is recommended.
[ ] No

old Re: Maps for CS2D Max

Admin Off Offline

I have a question: If I make a map with lets say the name; de_blablabla, and I see another person with the SAME map name but another map itself.. what happens if I enter a server with de_blablabla while I made a map myself which name is de_blablabla itself TOO.

the same like in other games (I think): you will get an error that your map differs from the map on the server. in this case you would have to rename your map and to rejoin in order to play the other map.

old Re: Maps for CS2D Max


DC has written
I have a question: If I make a map with lets say the name; de_blablabla, and I see another person with the SAME map name but another map itself.. what happens if I enter a server with de_blablabla while I made a map myself which name is de_blablabla itself TOO.

the same like in other games (I think): you will get an error that your map differs from the map on the server. in this case you would have to rename your map and to rejoin in order to play the other map.

And what kind of message would I see when someone with the same map name as my map joins MY server?
would it say someone joined and got kicked, timeout, or connection lost, something else?

old Re: Maps for CS2D Max


Ugh nevermind, you can close this topic, nobody is contributing because they don't care or they think the project isn't going to work, or are just ashamed? (on the internet?).

Anyway, before you close the topic, answer my 2 questions please:

''And what kind of message would I see when someone with the same map name as my map joins MY server?
would it say someone joined and got kicked, timeout, or connection lost, something else?''

And what would happen if someone already made a map with the name de_bla123 but he isn't currently online, and I host the map de_bla123 with is another map but with the same name, what would happen? If nothing happens then there is a problem: People will
join servers and afcourse they look at the map name, and when they see a cool map someone made: de_bla123, they will join, but then they see its another map but with just another name.. Whats up with this?
Also, is there a way you can somehow see how the map looks like rather then just entering random servers and downloading random maps untill your space in the computer is full..

old Re: Maps for CS2D Max

User Off Offline

Your map [maps/de_dust2.bsp] differs from the server's.

Something like that...

old Re: Maps for CS2D Max

Admin Off Offline

first question: I don't know. at the moment you will just get a disconnect by ping timeout message as server I think because I did not program that yet.

second question: thats nearly the same thing you already asked before! And I already answered it. And mario answered it too: you will not be able to join at all. because you already HAVE a map with the same name. and you can not have 2 maps with the same name. thats impossible. furthermore cs2d will NOT overwrite the existing map. so it will cancel the join process and it will say that your map differs from the server's. you either delete/rename your map and rejoin or you just join another server.

basically the whole map transfer thing works like in cs. which also answers your last question: no, you can't see the map before you downloaded it (thats impossible btw). if you don't like a map you downloaded: just delete it. thats no problem. other games do it the same way!

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