CS2D General KickKick
13 replies 1
Re: Kick
GuestIt makes me wanna scream, they have the same ping feature on Counter-Strike: Source aswell.
Make it a double will ya!
At least 300 ping limit would be fair.
I mean c'mon!
This is the reason why I've been playing Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising more than CS2D. Because of the ping limits. JO:TR uses 300 as server ping 'default' limit, and they don't even kick you out instead it says [Connection Interupted (01)] with the seconds. They let you stay in the game so you can master the pings.
I would like to see much lower pings in the CS2D max version.
heres how it is when using a slower connection such as dial 54k you will have a chance of getting kicked from a server due to packet loss and other things.
i have cable 16mbps so i rarely face problems such as this.
a 3mbit connection is a good connection as far im concerned anyways kimkat your using a mobile modem which isnt the greatest thing for gaming in the first place youll have better luck with a wire connection.
Anyways... I can be someones laughing stock. In further words: I'll live with it!!
I'll try upgrade when there is a better mobile modem or something, because I don't have afford anything right now.
Re: Kick
GuestAnyways I taught him how to uprate 2 days ago lol
P.S its 56K
Tele2 Mobile Broadband gives up to 384 Kbit per second in capacity through the 3G-net to a amazing price. The ones who order this service before midsummer doesn't have to pay the entry fee of 295 SEK crowns ([kr] kronor).
My review on this: It's really slow, especially at loading YouTube movies.
But in games, it's alright. I can load webpages at average speed, at specific times.
My rating is 6.0/10, it needs to be faster! lawl.
I need a upgrade.
But I'll live with it...
edited 1×, last 25.06.08 06:54:38 pm
Re: Kick
Guest ViRuS has written
I'm always get kick every i get in any server. why?
Me too...
My ping is always around 80, i always write uprate (or uprate 1) in the console, and again i am kicked...
I even got banned for two servers...
My internet is fast enough, firewall is O.K...
Some guy said that it is because i hack & cheat...
But i don't!
It says it's cheating, lawl!
DC needs to make like a checklist of programmes that are ok to let in for the anti-cheat, perhaps this will work better in CS2D max?
Re: Kick
GuestDoes CS2D need/work with cheating death?
Re: Kick
Guest@Rayven: Kinda of why I hope max cuts lag down because of this