
Which is the oldest clan in cs2d?
37 repliesso its kinda funny to see marcio thinking/telling that i was...
anyway ACID never had a match against 2dbr this is ridiculous how long you guyz are telling others you won against us...
i have no overview right now of all matches done by ACID so far...
but i can tell you about the matches that i was in
ACID never lost as i rember well beside 2 draws all matches we won... respect is sth you have to work for... just to get that clear...
clean jacket

remeber the beginnings marcio... the last things i remember of playing with/against you
(beside the games in the latest part of cs2d while i got banned serveral times at your server from 2dbr members while scr and others say this guy must be a cheater...)
marcio :" ACID is rly the best clan..."
time to refresh your mind again and w8 4 max...
btw: when max comes out i expect you guyz to match us while cs2d TV will be part of... furthermore i expect/hope you guyz will stay back on topic now and dont disturb me again

Edit: where did you get that images lol me and maykel uuhehehe nice fake.. btw: while we have matches we always play 10 rounds per teamside no other way... just as an info

DC has written
No threads about how good you or someone else plays. Nobody wants to know this!
..and I think I'm going to delete every new thread concerning special clans..
..and I think I'm going to delete every new thread concerning special clans..
go for it !

whatever, I respect ACID, and I know u're good,
such like us... Of course we are not a newbie clans,
we exist a long time ago. Yeah, of course we can re-match,
but lets wait for cs2dmax... was you scr that started when my score reached ~50:1
:"he is using gold or is a cheater......."
3.i wanted you to not disturb me again... (as i first had to read untrue things about the clan i am part of and now you...)
And 4. and the first and maybe only real reason why i even answer to this = as i have no clue at all about it-->Scr can you explain me please how does a bitch lag...but as im writing this i have to picture that you may are really go to answer and explain and show up even more who you are (unfortunetly just like i am used to see threads getting always spoiled by you with spam flame giving names to many users and so on...)
that i really dont want to know it more.. further you are the understatement while calling me names
and now im done so you can start up again your standard program until this thread is deleted
Edit: @marcio Deal
omg... im laughing so much here...

bitches lags different from non-bitches?

1.server was from usa and i had more or less same ping like everybody there(also as brasilians)
Im not ban u is mrc or other admin... if u nick is different when I saw, cry

Quote was you scr that started when my score reached ~50:1
:"he is using gold or is a cheater......."
:"he is using gold or is a cheater......."
ohh i dont remember LOL
-->Scr can you explain me please how does a bitch lag UHAEHEAHEAEHUEAHAEH

~back to topic no more flame ya
edited 1×, last 10.07.08 01:05:19 am
- KiNg
- HeRo
- B4u
- GoD
>FDF< is Fitness Dog Fighting clan tag.
D.T.P ... this clan's tag I don't really know.

a lot of other clans quite were scared of them it seemed, but too bad their dead now, so they can't be oldest still alive clan.
oldest alive i guess it could be ||ACID||, |Storm_PL|/storm, {KiNg}, 2dbr.
but one of the very oldest would be OBS, 4evo, a-Cheater (they actually didnt cheat^^), they played when cs2d was in the alpha status
Letza has written
storm gehört auch zu den ältesten
well, lee, becouse Letza is your "Friend" you dont delete this 100% unfitting comment ore what? ITS THE WRONG LANGUAGE!
guest has written
oldest alive i guess it could be ||ACID||, |Storm_PL|/storm, {KiNg}, 2dbr.
Can't forget GoD who only recently died (April I think it was)
{4Panzers}, |CM| AND OTHER