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English UB | EasyStruct >

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old UB | EasyStruct

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∗ EasyStruct

A DeathMatch mode map. Buildings are allowed and all players have wrenches by default.

This is a 2021 map we used to play on the [UB] Deathmatch server. It's simple, but it's extremely fun if your server has no limits on buildings quantity and offers some good guns for Supply & Super Supply. The archive contains two versions of the map, which are kinda different from each other, but the latest has significantly more fun to offer. There's even a Tesla Coil — it's time to unleash all your DeathMatch dreams!

I'm uploading this map to archive it since the servers it was specifically created for no longer operate. Have fun!


> user Kolia_rus
> Nintendo — the background image and music
edited 6×, last 21.02.24 04:42:37 pm
Approved by Gaios

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1.67 mb, 87 Downloads



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