
It doesnt work
21 replies
Its gona be fixed soon, dont worry

Yea, I also noticed "Your version is not up to date", something like that.
edited 3×, last 01.10.09 03:41:45 pm
EDIT: i dont think USGN is down or crashed because CS2D works
edited 1×, last 01.10.09 03:39:05 pm
save and start again
TheKilledDeath has written
Try to open /sys/usgn.dat with any editor and replace
save and start again
save and start again
In my real PC it works, I'm on other one and on this not even that works!
I checked my firewall...

Did that in my usgn.dat

the IP thing is always worth a try because for some people the DNS resolution doesn't work properly.
I don't what causes your problem.
EDIT: ok i changed usgn.dat and it dont work, should i delete all words and numbers and write
by the way it has not any internet problems, my computer is very great, it doesnt even start and it turns off

oh and tell me how to put pictures so i can show you screenshot i make about it
edited 6×, last 01.10.09 07:23:27 pm
...Or somthin' like that.
BlueDragon96: only replace the first line (usgn.de) with the ip address
leave everything else untouched.

and replacing depth 0 with depth 32

I just extended the official FAQ with things you can try if you have problems and detailed descriptions on how to do it:
edited 1×, last 02.10.09 02:10:01 am
...I still think the game might fix its self...
playa slaya has written
you got to be fucking kidding me its the fucking alpha version that means it has not been finished and it wont work right
yes it is fucking alpha but the "fucking start up process" or whatever you want to call it and the fucking fucked fuck engine are already fucking done. so if the fucking game doesn't fucking start you have some fucking kind of fucking compatibility problem and I fucking don't have a fucking magic wand to fucking change that fuck. I'm fucking sorry about that but it's the fucking truth.
thanks for trying to help

EDIT: why so little servers?
DC has written
make sure that you have a 3D video card which supports opengl and directx. a real one by nvidia or ati, not an onboard card.
i have an intel onboard card and it works

cs2d also.
BlueDragon96 has written
i just have one more question its off topic but i really wanna ask it, is there gonna be more masks for characters and more characters to choose?
It will be awsome if there will be a body part selection and more graphics for it
Yesterday, you played in my server! I was using my friend's nickname.